Reformed Churches of New Zealand

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Reformed Churches of New Zealand is the New Zealand representation of the Reformed churches. The denomination is constituted of 19 member churches, the first eight of which were formed in 1953. Total membership as of 2007 stands at 3,500.


[edit] Form of doctrine

The doctrine of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand is expressed in the four confessions of faith to which it subscribes. These are the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), Belgic Confession (1566), Canons of Dort (1619) (known collectively as the Three Forms of Unity), and the Westminster Confession of Faith. Also recognised are the Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed and Athanasian Creed, all of which summarise the churches' doctrines.

The Reformed Churches of New Zealand are one of the few Reformed churches internationally to subscribe to both the Three Forms of Unity (common among Reformed churches with origins in the European continent, especially the Netherlands) and the Westminster Confession of Faith (common among Reformed or Presbyterian churches with origins in the British Isles).

[edit] Form of governance

The Reformed Churches of New Zealand hold to the system of Presbyterian church governance. Each church has a ruling Session comprised of elders, one of whom is the church’s minister (also known as the teaching elder). Churches which have no minister are said to be vacant. Each church also has deacons who are charged with maintaining the temporal well-being of church members and with alleviating social distress. In larger churches deacons meet in their own Deacons’ Courts, while in smaller churches they meet together with the rest of the Session. Only men are eligible to serve in the offices of minister, elder, and deacon.

Churches belong to one of three regional Presbyteries which meet three times per year to discuss matters of common interest and to provide mutual oversight. Churches also meet in General Synod once every three years to discuss matters of joint interest and to manage activities pertaining to the denomination. Rights of appeal are available to presbytery and synod.

[edit] Constituent churches

Church Year
Current Minister
Auckland Presbytery
Reformed Church of Avondale 1964 vacant
Reformed Presbyterian Church of
   Bucklands Beach
1953 Dirk Van Garderen
Reformed Church of Hamilton [1] 1953 Michael Willemse
Reformed Church of Hukanui 2002 Reinier Noppers
Reformed Church of Mangere 1964 Sjirk Bajema
Reformed Church of North Shore 1980 John Rogers
Reformed Church of Pukekohe 1989 John Haverland
Wellington Presbytery
Reformed Church of Foxton [2] 1984 John Zuidema
Reformed Church of Hastings [3] 1960 Bruce Hoyt
Reformed Church of Masterton 1987 Peter Kloosterman
Reformed Church of Palmerston North [4]
   (including a group at Wanganui) [5]
1953 vacant
Reformed Church of Silverstream 1967 Paul Archbald
Reformed Church of Wainuiomata 1975 Leo de Vos
Reformed Church of Wellington 1953 Andrew Nugteren
Christchurch Presbytery
Reformed Church of Bishopdale 1982 Robert van Wichen
Reformed Church of Christchurch [6] 1953 Jim Klazinga
Reformed Church of Dovedale 2001 Michael Flinn
Reformed Church of Dunedin [7]
   (including a group at Oamaru)
1955 Hans Vaatstra
Reformed Church of Nelson 1953 Ralph Adams

[edit] Ecumenical contacts

The Reformed Churches of New Zealand is a member of the International Conference of Reformed Churches [8]. Sister-church relationships are held with churches abroad which hold to similar doctrine and practice.

[edit] History

Reformed churches have their origins in the 16th-century Protestant Reformation. In the late 1940s migrants from the Netherlands settling in New Zealand expected to find their spiritual homes in existing churches of Reformed persuasion. Instead they found departures from Reformed doctrine and practice that they could not overlook. Discussions were begun in Auckland in 1951 with a view to establishing an indigenous Reformed denomination. A minister from the Netherlands, Rev J W Deenick, arrived in 1952 to support the fledgling group. The Reformed Churches of New Zealand were officially established in 1953 at a synod in Wellington where churches from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch were represented. By the end of that year further churches in Bucklands Beach, Hamilton, Nelson and Palmerston North were established. A further 12 member churches have since been formed.

[edit] Theonomy Debate

As with many other conservative Calvinist churches, the Reformed Churches of New Zealand were convulsed by controversy over theonomy, a theocratic theology that is otherwise known as Christian Reconstructionism, whose chief proponents were the late Rousas John Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen and Gary North. In the early eighties, several Reformed Church of New Zealand trainees attended the Reformed Theological Seminary, where Greg Bahnsen was a lecturer, and were exposed to his theology.

Richard Flinn was a proponent of this theology, especially during New Zealand's debate over homosexual law reform in 1985/86, where he advocated the death penalty for homosexuality, which had not existed in the British Commonwealth since the nineteenth century. Flinn was minister at the North Shore Reformed Church, where he published The Isachaarian Report, and acolytes also produced Family Alert, and ran an organisation called Women of the Reformed Church. Flinn later left the North Shore Reformed Church under unexplained circumstances. The General Synod of the Reformed Church debated the issue in 1989, and reached no firm conclusions, therefore proponents of theonomy are not excluded from membership.

[edit] Worship

The churches hold worship services twice each Sunday and generally on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Ascension Day and New Year's Eve. Preaching from the Bible is the central element of worship. Preaching is by ordained ministers, or alternatively sermons written by an ordained minister may be read by a lay male Session appointee when a minister is not available. Sung praise and corporate prayer are the next most significant elements of worship. The Christian Reformed Church in North America's Psalter Hymnal is the main source of hymnody, however the compilation and evaluation of a denominational psalter/hymnal is currently in progress. The singing of the Psalms features strongly in the hymnody. Corporate confession of sin and the assurance of God's pardon are an integral part of Sunday morning worship, while in the second service one of the creeds is usually recited in unison.

The sacrament of the Lord's Supper (or Holy Communion) is celebrated at least three-monthly. The sacrament of baptism is administered to new converts and to the infant children of church members.

[edit] List of synods

No. Year Venue Moderator and General Adjunct Clerks
1 1953 Wellington R E Dijkstra, Wellington
J W Deenick, Auckland
1: A van Gelder
2 1953 Auckland J W Deenick, Auckland
E Dijkstra, Wellington
1: Th Althuis
3 1954 Wellington E Dijkstra, Wellington
J A Scarrow, Bucklands Beach
1: A van Gelder
2: F Channing
4 1955 Christchurch B Boelens, Christchurch
J W Deenick, Auckland
1: F Channing
2: P G van Dam
5 1957 Hamilton J W Deenick, Auckland
E Dijkstra, Wellington
1: W In’t Veld
2: J Kleinjan
St: F Channing
6 1957 Dunedin J A Scarrow, Bucklands Beach
R J Venema, Dunedin
1: H van der Pols
2: P G van Dam
St: F Channing
7 1961 Wellington R J Venema, Bucklands Beach
J W Deenick, Auckland
1: P G van Dam
2: W van Rij
St: R J Venema
8 1962 Wellington S Cooper, Christchurch
P H Pellicaan, Dunedin
1: D G Vanderpyl
2: R O Zorn, Hamilton
St: R O Zorn, Hamilton
9 1964 Wellington R O Zorn, Hamilton
P van der Schaaf, Christchurch
1: A I de Graaf, Wellington
2: F Channing, Nelson
St: R O Zorn, Hamilton
10 1965 Christchurch G I Williamson, Mangere
P H Pellicaan, Dunedin
1: A I de Graaf, Wellington
2: F Channing, Nelson
St: R O Zorn, Hamilton
11 1967 Avondale H L Hoving, Silverstream
R O Zorn, Hamilton
1: A I de Graaf, Wellington
2: T E Tyson, Bucklands Beach
St: C J Reitsma, Wellington
12 1969 Nelson C J Reitsma, Wellington
T E Tyson, Bucklands Beach
1: D G Vanderpyl
2: F Channing, Nelson
St: D G Vanderpyl
13 1971 Wellington H L Hoving, Silverstream/ Wainuiomata
A W Palmer, Mangere
1: W Wiersma, Christchurch
2: F W Kroon, Bucklands Beach
St: D G Vanderpyl
14 1974 Silverstream W Wiersma, Christchurch
W A Davies, Bucklands Beach
1: D G Vanderpyl
2: H L Hoving, Invercargill
St: D G Vanderpyl
15 1977 Hamilton G I Williamson, Silverstream
A W Palmer, Mangere
1: M Schwarz, Hamilton
2: L Reurich, Hastings
St: D G Vanderpyl
16 1980 Palmerston North M Schwarz, Hamilton
J Goris, Avondale
1: J C Williams, Nelson
2: L Reurich, Kerepehi/ Tokoroa
St: D G Vanderpyl
17 1983 Christchurch P D Stadt, Christchurch
J E de Graaf, Bishopdale
1: B U Kuipers, Palmerston North
2: C A R Larsen, Dunedin
St: D G Vanderpyl
18 1986 Mangere D J van Garderen, Bishopdale
P R Flinn, North Shore
1: B Hoyt, Silverstream
2: L Draijer, Nelson
St: D G Vanderpyl
19 1989 Silverstream W Wiersma, Hamilton
B Kroon, Christchurch
1: J A Haverland, Bucklands Beach
2: D van der Vecht, Avondale
St: D G Vanderpyl
20 1992 Bishopdale W Wiersma, Hamilton
J A Haverland, Bishopdale
1: M A Flinn, Pukekohe
2: B Hoyt, Masterton
St: J Ploeg
21 1995 Avondale J A Haverland, Bishopdale
M A Flinn, Pukekohe
1: B Hoyt, Hastings
2: W Walraven, Silverstream
St: J Ploeg
22 1998 Wainuiomata J A Haverland, Bishopdale
G H Milne, Wainuiomata
1: B Hoyt, Hastings
2: M A Flinn, Pukekohe
St: B Hoyt, Hastings
23 2001 Palmerston North M A Flinn, Dovedale
M Capill, Bucklands Beach
1: S Bajema, Mangere
2: J van Rensburg, Bucklands Beach
St: B Hoyt, Hastings
24 2002 Christchurch W Wiersma, Hamilton
J A Haverland, Bishopdale
1: B Hoyt, Hastings
2: W Walraven, Silverstream
St: B Hoyt, Hastings
25 2005 Hamilton J A Haverland, Pukekohe
M A Flinn, Dovedale
1: B Hoyt, Hastings
2: R de Vries, Christchurch
St: B Hoyt, Hastings

[edit] Latest synodical appointments

  • Standing committees
    • Church Extension Committee
    • Church Order Committee
    • Emeritus Fund and Long Service Leave Fund Committee
    • Home Missions Committee
    • Education Resource Committee
    • Inter-Church Relations Committee
    • Overseas Mission Board
    • National Diaconate Committee
    • National Publications Committee
    • Political Contacts Committee
    • Reformed Theological College and Student Assistance Committee
  • Study committees
    • Committee to Update Forms and Confessions
    • Psalm and Hymnody Selection Committee
    • Bible Version Study Committee
    • Abortion Study Committee
  • Other appointments
    • Stated Clerk
    • Synodical Treasurer
    • Deputies to the Reformed Theological College
    • Synodical Archivist
    • Year Book Editor
    • Synodical Liaison to Calvinist Cadet Corps

[edit] Further reading

  • John Haverland: "Theonomy: What Have We Learned?" in Dirk Vanderpyl (ed) Trust and Obey: A History of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand: Hamilton: Reformed Church Publishing Society: 1994.

[edit] External links