Reform Zionism

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Reform Zionism, also known as Progressive Zionism is the ideology of the Zionist arm of the Reform or Progressive branch of Judaism. ARZAis the American Reform Movement's Zionist organization, which has the mission of connecting Reform Jews with Israel. ARZA was founded in 1978 as an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism(at that point in time, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations). The organization's founding Executive Director was Rabbi Ira Youdovin, suceeded by Rabbis Eric Yoffie, Ammiel Hirsch and Andrew Davids. In 1997, ARZA significantly shifted thinking within the Reform Movement through the acceptance of the Miami Platform of the Central Conference on American Rabbis entitled Reform Judaism and Zionism: A Centenary Platform. In Israel, Reform Zionism is associated with the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism.

Traditionally, Progressive/Reform Jews rejected Zionism as Jewish nationalism seemed to conflict with the universalistic ideology of early Reform Judaism. However, by the time of the establishment of the State of Israel, many Progressive/Reform Jews saw a need for a Jewish national home in the Biblical Land of Israel, and began working to conceptualize a Zionism that took the universalistic ideals of Reform Judaism, and the particularist needs of the Jewish people, into account.

Through the ideal of Tikkun Olam (healing the world), Reform Zionism sees the role of the State of Israel as the means by which the messianic era can be achieved, by acting as a "light unto the nations", a national example of ideal prophetic principles of justice and peace. For the Reform Zionist, this means that by working to make Israel a better place, one can lead the world in working towards a state of perfection.

Due to this, the Reform Zionist movement is heavily involved in social activism in Israel.

As a religious, rather than political, ideology, Reform Zionism and its organizations do not see themselves as inherently political, and do not align with any Israeli political party or movement.

[edit] Youth

Main article: Netzer Olami

The Reform Zionist movement has an international youth wing, represented by its youth movement, Netzer Olami, which includes branches in many countries across the world.

[edit] Affiliated communities in Israel

There are two Reform Zionist Kibbutzim in Israel, Kibbutz Yahel and Kibbutz Lotan in the Arava. There is a Reform Zionist agricultural community in the north called Har Halutz.

[edit] External links