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A redowa ˡred o wɐ is a turning, leaping waltz step that was most popular in Victorian era European ballrooms.


[edit] Time

It is danced in 3/4 time (like most waltzes), with the couple turning approx. 180 degrees every bar; so a full rotation of a redowa is accomplished in 6 beats.

[edit] Description

A basic redowa step contains one long reaching step and two small leap-steps. The long reaching step can be danced on either the 1 or the 2 of each bar of music, depending on what feels best with the tune that is playing.

[edit] The lead

Dancers generally start in closed (waltz) position with the outside hands pointing line of direction. (This description is for the case when the "reach" step is on count two.) To begin a redowa, the leader will take a small leap step (count 1) around in front of his/her partner with the left foot, then take a long scooping step (count 2) straight back with the right (pointing right toe, bending the knee of the left leg, keeping the torso upright), followed by another small leap step (count 3) with the left to begin a 180 degree turn CW. The second half of the six count pattern begins with a small leaping step (count 4) in line of dance that also completes the 180 degree rotation, so the leader is now facing forward line of dance. The left leg now reaches straight forward (count 5; pointing left toe, bending right knee, etc.), directly under the partner's right leg that is extended back. A small leap (count 6) onto the right foot completes the pattern, initiating the second half (180 degree) turn in preparation for the next six count pattern.

[edit] The follow

The follow is the opposite portion of the lead's sequence. The follower's movement on the first three beats are essentially the same movements the leader makes on the second set of three beats, and vice-versa.

When done well, dancing a redowa can feel like flying to music. It can be energetic, hypnotic, dizzying, and very much fun; it can also be frustrating and confusing to learn, but it is well worth the effort.

[edit] See also

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