Red dragon (Dungeons & Dragons)

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Dungeons & Dragons creature
Red dragon
Type Dragon
Source books
First appearance
Mythological origins Dragon
Image image
Stats OGL stats
A Red Dragon on the cover of the Dungeons and Dragons Basic Rule Set 1
A Red Dragon on the cover of the Dungeons and Dragons Basic Rule Set 1

Red dragons are among the most powerful dragons found in the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Red dragons have featured prominently in the cover art of a number of Dungeons & Dragons books including the first edition of the Monster Manual, the Draconomicon, and the Dungeons and Dragons Basic Rule Set 1.


[edit] Ecology

[edit] Environment

Red dragons inhabit warm mountains, sometimes near volcanoes.

[edit] Typical physical characteristics

Red dragons are massive creatures, with scales in various shades of red.

Red dragons have a fire breath weapon.

[edit] Alignment

Red dragons are always chaotic evil.

[edit] Society

Red dragons are often solitary, but have been encountered in mated pairs, clutches of two to five individuals, or families of one or two adults and two to five offspring.

Red dragons often war with silver dragons over territory.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Sharp, Gregg. "The Ecology of the Red Dragon." Dragon #134 (TSR, 1988).

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Dungeons & Dragons creatures

Creature types: AberrationAnimalConstructDragonElementalFeyGiantHumanoidMagical beastMonstrous humanoidOozeOutsiderPlantUndeadVermin

Categories: Dragonlance creaturesEberron creaturesStandard creaturesUndead creaturesSpelljammer creaturesGreyhawk creaturesForgotten Realms creaturesExtraplanar creatures

Lists of dragons: ChromaticDragonlanceGemMetallicPlanarOther