Red Youth (Norway)

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Rød Ungdom or Raud Ungdom is a Norwegian revolutionary youth league. It is the youth organizaion of the party Red (Norway). The current leader of Red Youth is Mimir Kristjansson.


[edit] Politics

RU is an organisation with three main principles: socialism, feminism and anti-racism. Their goals are typically communist, and they aim to organise the working class in preparation for an eventual overthrow of the capitalist system. RU distrust the form of democracy in Norway today, but also take distance from the 'Stalinist' Communist regimes in the Soviet Union and China.

The Red Youth is active on several political fronts, opposed to the European Union, racism and sexism. Several members of the Red Youth and its motherparty, Red are also active in the Norwegian AFA (Anti Fascist Action).

[edit] Activism

Red Youth is an activist organisation and has performed political actions and media stunts against Norwegian politicians. One of the more well known actions is when the Red Youth, in support of gay rights, interrupted the Christian Democrats' national meeting in an attempt to expose and highlight what they perceived as the Christian Democrats' homophobia. The Red Youth also built a refugee asylum in the garden of the Conservative Minister of Integration Erna Solberg, as a protest against her immigration policies. In 2004, they tried to arrest the Conservative Minister of Education, Kristin Clemet, for crimes against Norwegian students. Several members of the Red Youth were arrested in 2005 after trying to charge the Norwegian Parliament in what was generally peaceful anti-racist action.[citation needed] Since the election of the "RedGreen" government in 2005, the Red Youth have been working to push the Social Democrats in a more leftist direction. They have also drilled for oil in finance minister Kristin Halvorsen's garden as a protest against oil drilling in the northern parts of Norway.

[edit] Influence

The mother party of the Red Youth, Red , is the biggest opposition party left of the Norwegian government, despite its lack of parliamentary representation.

[edit] External links

Political Youth Organisations in Norway
Raud Ungdom Sosialistisk Ungdom Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking Senterungdomen KrFU Unge Venstre  Unge Hoyre Fremskrittspartiets Ungdom
Red Youth Socialist Youth Workers Youth League Centre Youth Youth of the Christian People's Party Young Liberals of Norway Young Right Youth of the Progress Party