Red Warszawa

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Red Warszawa is a Danish heavy metal band. "Warszawa" is the name of Warsaw, the capital of Poland, in Danish (and Polish). The name has caused some misunderstandings because Red Warszawa, when pronounced as a Danish sentence, means "rescue Warsaw". The band stated later in various interviews that it all hinges on a misunderstanding: the band was supposed to be called "Red Warsaw" (as in the colour), but they thought the city Warsaw was called Warszawa in English as well[citation needed].

They are fronted by vocalist "Lækre" Jens (literal meaning: "hot" or "sexy" Jens); a bearded and slightly obese man who never sings, but rather shouts in a guttural and slightly arythmical manner, akin to that of an inebriated concert-goer shouting along to his favorite lyrics. Whenever "clean" vocals are needed, they are handled by guitarist Heavy-Henning, who has a slightly wobbly operatic style singing voice.

Their lyrics are upbeat or neutral (not "doom and gloom" metal) and often politically incorrect. Although the style of music is typically pummeling metal (with some excursions into pop, march and ballad-territory, usually employed for ironic or satirical effect), the lyrics are either sarcastic and satirical skewerings of Danish pop culture, or tales of the effects of near-constant inebriation.

All of their songs except for the following are in Danish: Die Brügge, Aldi, Prost, Messerman, Nabilat (German), Den Dystra Staden (Norwegian), Liberte (Swedish), and Red Warszawa (English).

[edit] Discography

  • Skyd Sven (1987) ("Shoot Sven")
  • Helt op I bageren (1991) ("All the way up the baker"; 'bag' is also slang for rear or behind, making the title effectively "All the way up the ass")
  • Norsk Black Metal (1995) ("Norwegian black metal")
  • Hævi mætal og hass (1996) ("Heavy Metal and Hash" (spelled incorrectly) - in Danish, hash refers to cannabis.)
  • Julemandens selvmordsbrev (1997) ("Santa Claus' suicide note")
  • Skal vi lege doktor? (1998) ("Want to play doctor?")
  • Tysk hudindustri (2000) ("German skin industry" (i.e., pornography industry))
  • Live aus Kaiser Bierwurst Halle (2001)
  • Omvendt blå kors (2002) (Reverse blue cross) (Meaning "inverted blue cross", but there is also a charity organisation in Denmark called Blå kors (whom later threatened to sue Red Warszawa, causing them to change the title of the album to "Omvendt Bo Force", even though is still says "Omvendt Blå Kors" on the album cover)
  • Return of the Glidefedt (2004) (Glidefedt is slang for personal lubricant.)
  • My Poland Collection (2006)

[edit] Live videos

  • Polsk punk på p-dagen ("Polish Punk on P-Day") (recorded 1991, released 1993)
  • Jeg bor I det sølvgrå kuppeltelt ("I live in the silver-grey dome tent", referencing the cheap tent of choice for festival-goers in Denmark: when given as a direction, say at the Danish Roskilde Festival (where the music was recorded), it would be practically impossible to find, given the enormous number of these tents at the festival) (recorded 2001, released 2003)

[edit] External links

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