Red Puckett

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Red Puckett is a fictional character that appears in the 2006 film, Hoodwinked. She was originally going to be played by Tara Strong, but was replaced with Anne Hathaway later in production.

[edit] Appearances

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

It all began like any other day; Red was out making deliveries for her granny’s goodie shop, known as Granny Puckett’s Goodies. Red wears a white shirt with a yellow collar in it. And she wears blue Jeans with a blue Skirt. And she wore a red cape with a hood in it. While she was on break, sitting in her treehouse, she heard the sound of shattering glass from below. She ran to investigate, and to find that a rock had been thrown through the window of her granny’s goodie shop, with the words: YOU’RE NEXT! printed on it. Red began to worry about her grandmother’s business, so she decided to take the goodies up the mountain in a cable car, where she met with her rabbit friend, Boingo. He told her that riding in a cable car was a safe way to view the forest below, without having to worry about predators, such as wolves, bobcats, mountain lions, and saber-toothed tigers (but mostly wolves). Before she knew it, Red found herself and her goody basket falling right out of the cable car, and into the woods below! She and her goody basket (which had fallen with her) were both unharmed, but when the girl got up, and removed her basket, she saw a huge footprint in the dirt. She looked before her to see a pair of menacing eyes in the bushes, accompanied by a deep growl. Red whimpered and backed up, into a squirrel, named Twitchy. But as she was about to head off, she came to face with a wolf, named Wolf W. Wolf. He questioned her, but Red didn’t fall for his tricks. Angry about this, Wolf roared loudly in her face, scaring her away. As she ran through the forest, Wolf kept stopping her. Red eventually lost him, by having a flock of hummingbirds under her hood, as they drove the wolf off the edge of a cliff, into the waters below.

Sometime later, Red found an old trail, leading up the north side of the mountain, where she met an old mountain goat, named Japeth. Using Japeth’s help, Red was able to make it around the mountain and to her grandmother’s cottage. When she arrived, she found Wolf in bed, dressed as her beloved granny. Red wasn’t too fooled by his trick, and the two eventually got into a fight, followed by Granny breaking out of the closet, tied-up and gagged, and Kirk the Woodsman coming crashing through the house’s windows wielding a large axe at the three as they screamed in fear.

Afterwards, the woods’ police force and questioned the four suspects (Wolf, Granny, Red and Kirk) about whether or not they had anything to do with the goody bandit, who had been wreaking the forests. After the police had witnessed Granny, Red was hurt, since she had found out that her very own grandmother had lied to her. She removed her hood, and walked off into the woods, remembering the fun times she and Granny had had beforehand. But as she was going through the woods, she caught sight of a mysterious figure, wearing a hood, quite similar to hers. She decided to follow the figure to the cable car station at the bottom of the mountain, to find that the goody bandit was none other than her very own rabbit friend, Boingo! She hitched a ride on the air trolley up the mountain, where she overheard Boingo plotting to steal recipes from all over the forest to create his own goody business. Red revealed herself to the bunny, and the two got into combat, Red tried striking Boingo, but using his ears as a shield, Boingo was able to not only defend himself, but kick the girl with his powerful rabbit feet. Red was tied up and gagged in a cable car full of dynamite by Boingo’s henchmen.

However, Granny, Wolf and Kirk had followed Boingo up the mountain and straight to his lair. They battled the bunny’s henchmen, unfortunately, giving Boingo enough time to light the fuse to the cable car containing the trapped Red and the dynamite, and break the brakes so no one could stop his black-hearted deeds. Granny didn’t let the bunny get far; she grabbed a nearby muffin pan and skated across the cable car wire after her granddaughter. Furious about this, Boingo had his henchmen chase after Red and Granny, but that was their mistake; Red broke free of the cable car, and Boingo was captured by the police, waiting below.

The next morning, Red, Granny, Wolf, and Twitchy (Kirk had gone to become a famous yodeler) were enjoying a fine breakfast of piping hot cakes and coffee, when Nicky Flippers, the frog investigator on the woods’ police force, interested the four into traveling with him on The Happily Ever After Agency...and they accepted.

Spoilers end here.

It is said that in the 2008 sequel to Hoodwinked, Hood vs. Evil, Red is said to be shown as a teenager, training in a distant land, but more is yet to be known about that.

[edit] Depiction

Film producer, Sue Bea Montgomery said, that Red reminded her of Betty Boop, as she had big eyes, a heart-shaped face, and various other similar characteristics. Director Cory Edwards also mentioned on the DVD commentary, that from the beginning of the movie until towards the end, you’ve got an iconic image of Little Red Riding Hood, and when she removes her hood (because she’s upset with her grandma) she not only breaks up her relationship with Granny, but looks just like any old girl.

[edit] Real Name

"Red" as well as her more common title, "Little Red Riding Hood", are obviously nicknames, due to the riding hood she wears. However her birth name is not mentioned throughout the entire film.