Red Misket

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Red Misket (also Misket or Misket Cherven) is a wine grape variety (Vitis vinifera) spread in the Sub-Balkan Bulgarian Wine region. It is considered to be an old local variety, cultivated nowadays mainly in the Sungurlare Valley, and the Karlovo and Brezovo districts. There are smaller plantations in the Stara Zagora, Sliven, Yambol and Vratza districts. The grape variety grows best in hilly, airy regions. The grapes are small and have pinkish-red to violet color. The wine made from Red Misket is typically dry. It is straw-yellow in color and often has some green nuance. Varietal Misket wines are typically named by appellation. Best known are Sungurlare Misket and Karlovo Misket, produced in two distinct wine regions in the southern outskirts of the Balkan Mountains. In table wines, Misket is often blended with Italian Riesling and Dimyat.