Recreational Software Advisory Council

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The Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSAC) was an independent, non-profit organization founded in the USA in 1994 by the Software Publishers Association as well as six other industry leaders in response to video game controversy and threats of government regulation. The goal of the council was to provide objective content ratings for computer games, similar to the earlier formed Videogame Rating Council (VRC) and later Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The ratings were based on the research of Dr. Donald F. Roberts of Stanford University who studied media and its effect on children. The council formed RSACi in 1995 which was a branch which rated websites. The organization was closed in 1999 and reformed into the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA). The background, formation and rating process of the RSAC and RSACi may be viewed here.


[edit] Software Labels


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


Harmless conflict; some damage to objects

Creatures injured or killed; damage to objects; fighting

Humans injured or killed; with small amount of blood

Humans injured or killed; blood and gore

Wanton and gratuitous violence; torture; rape


No nudity or revealing attire / Romance, no sex

Revealing attire / Passionate kissing

Partial nudity / Clothed sexual touching

Non-sexual frontal nudity / Non-explicit sexual activity

Provocative frontal nudity / Explicit sexual activity; sex crimes


Inoffensive slang; no profanity

Mild expletives

Expletives; non-sexual anatomical references

Strong, vulgar language; obscene gestures

Crude or explicit sexual references

[edit] Internet Ratings

These RSACi ratings are included and used in the "Content Advisor" feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Violence Rating Descriptor Nudity Rating Descriptor Sex Rating Descriptor Language Rating Descriptor
Level 0 Harmless conflict, some damage to objects No nudity or revealing attire Romance, no sex Inoffensive slang; no profanity
Level 1: Creatures injured or killed; damage to objects; fighting Revealing attire Passionate kissing Mild expletives
Level 2: Humans injured or with small amount of blood Partial nudity Clothed sexual touching Expletives; non-sexual anatomical references
Level 3: Humans injured or killed Non-sexual frontal nudity Non-explicit sexual activity Strong, vulgar language; obscene gestures; Racial Epithets
Level 4: Wanton and gratuitous violence; torture; rape Provocative frontal nudity Explicit sexual activity; sex crimes Crude or explicit sexual references; Extreme Hate Speech

[edit] Criticism

The RSAC software rating system provided simple and detailed descriptions of a game's content however, one of the main criticisms of it was that (aside from the ALL rating) there was no clear suggestion of the age suitability of the product. Also, the labels were only applied to home computer software and not video game console software. The labels did not stand out on packaging as they were quite small and depending on the game content, may take a long time to read. As a result, this rating system was discontinued and the ESRB system became standard use.

[edit] References

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