Reclamation district

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Reclamation districts are a form of special-purpose districts in the United States (and possibly other countries) which are responsible for reclamining and/or maintaining land that is threatened by permanent or temporary flooding for agricultural, residential, commercial, or industrial use. The land is reclaimed by removing and/or preventing water from returning via systems of levees, dikes, drainage ditches, and pumps.

[edit] Reclamation Districts in the United States

Many American reclamation districts were established prior to 1900 when local land owners first started working to put new land into agricultural production. Much of the lands "reclaimed" by 19th century reclamation districts were natural wetlands. Since wetlands are subject to flooding, these lands often were adjacent to sources of water, making them ideal for growing irrigated crops. Furthermore, the soils of wetlands also proved to be excellent for crops.

Though the original use of most of the reclaimed land was for agriculture, increasing urbanization has changed the type of land use of the land protected by the districts. Today fewer wetlands are being reclaimed, leaving districts primarily responsible for maintaining the existing systems used to keep the land under their jurisdiction dry. Since reclamation districts were formed with the purpose of reclaming specific areas of land (hence their name), they are often defined by the extend of the land they protect. Different sides of a river often will fall under the jurisdiction of different reclamation districts.

Federal, state, and local governments all interact with reclamation districts. In states like California, reclamation districts tend to operate under their own authority. However, if the State Reclamation Board, which is responsible for moitoring California reclamation districts, determines that a local district is not adequately maintaining its levee syste, the power has the power to authorize the California Department of Water Resources to establish a maintenance area and essentially take responsibility of the levee.

Typically reclamation districts are run by elected board members, who often own property or work on land in the districts. The costs of maintaining the levees are paid for by taxes that are placed on property owners. In times of emergency, reclamation districts will appeal to County, State, and Federal agencies for additional funds necessary to repair levees.

[edit] Selected External Info about US Reclamation Districts