Real Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Rueda

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Real Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Rueda, outer courtyard
Real Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Rueda, outer courtyard

Real Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Rueda (Royal Monastery of Our Lady of the Wheel) is an early Cistercian monastery in the Aragon region of Spain. Founded in the year 1202, it is one of the best extant examples of early Cistercian architecture. The majority of the medieval complex was completed by the early 15th century, and later additions added to its grandeur. Recent restoration work has resulted in the present day use as a luxury hotel and conference center.


[edit] Early history

The first Cistercian monastery was founded in Citeaux, France in the year 1089. Thence four daughter abbeys were spawned, including in the year 1115 one in Moribond, France. Monks originating in Moribond Abbey founded Gilmont Abbey in France in 1152. The monks of Gimont received a land grant in Burjazud (Villanueva de Gállego, north Zaragoza city), Spain in 1162 but the monastery was not built there. This land was augmented by a grant from King Alfonso II of Aragon in 1182 to include the riverside steep castle and village of Escatrón,~50km south-east downstream's Zaragoza City. After two more decades the Real Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Rueda was founded on the banks of the Ebro River, near Sástago in Zaragoza province. Next to a fluvial island and a salt lagoon (~12 km North)

Middle Ages Interior View
Middle Ages Interior View

The principal works had begun by the end of the first quarter of the 13th century, and the first church was consecrated before the year 1238. A lavatorium was constructed in the 13th century. The cloisters were designed using a barrel vaulted stonework construction. By the beginning of the early 15th century the old Abbot's Palace, the farm support buildings and laity area were complete. From the early founding the monks conducted important hydrological works including a dam on the Ebro and creation of a massive waterwheel or "rueda". The waterwheel diverted some of the river flow to a Gothic aqueduct for distribution to various parts of the monastery; moreover, many of the water channels and plumbing uses are readily visible today. This series of hydrological innovations was an early example of indoor plumbing and waste disposal as well as a bonafide central heating system. In the uninhabitated muslim frontier, the monks created: the salt's mule track, saltworks equipments, a fluvial pier, fluvial mule barge transport, an oilmill, a flour mill, a stone irrigation ditch waterwheeled, a vineyard, a sentry box walled surrounded orchard, a wine cellar and anothers different do it. In the country today, the "Abadía" (Abbey) surname, is often.

[edit] Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Further improvements and more elaborate reconstructions took place in the 1500s and 1600s, especially around the principal square. Noteworthy is the Renaissance arcade in Herreriano style that connects the medieval building complex with the Abbot's Palace. Thence a range of further new novices' rooms and bedrooms were built behind the arcade.

The Royal Gateway, a gatehouse structure dating from the 17th and 18th centuries, serves as the modern day entrance to the entire complex.

[edit] Nineteenth Century to Present

After institution of the Depriving Laws of Mendizábal of 1837 and 1838, lands and buildings belonging to the monastery were sold and the site was used for farming, with considerable destruction taking place. In 1990 the property came under governmental control through acquisition by the Diputacion General de Aragón. Thereafter huge expenses, considerable conservation and restoration occurred. The present including a (Tres estrellas) hotel and conference rooms. None of the Middle Ages portion has been altered. More restorations are in future plan.

[edit] References

Real Monasterio de Nuestra señora de Rueda, Edita: E. Sicilia, Zaragoza, ISBN 84-88704-11-9 (2004)

[edit] External links

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