RC time constant

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In an RC circuit, the value of the time constant (in seconds) is equal to the product of the circuit resistance (in ohms) and the circuit capacitance (in farads), i.e. τ = R × C. It is the time required to charge the capacitor, through the resistor, to 63.2 (~ 63) percent of full charge; or to discharge it to 36.8 (~ 37) percent of its initial voltage. Those values are derived from the mathematical constant e, specifically 1-e-1 and e-1 respectively.

The time constant τ is related to the cutoff frequency fc, an alternative parameter of the RC circuit, by

\tau = RC = \frac{1}{2 \pi f_c}.

or, equivalently,

f_c = \frac{1}{2 \pi R C} = \frac{1}{2 \pi \tau}

Short conditional equations:

fc in Hz = 159155 / τ in µs
τ in µs = 159155 / fc in Hz

Other useful equations are:

rise time (20% to 80%) t_r \approx 1.4 \tau
rise time (10% to 90%) t_r \approx 2.2 \tau

Standard time constants and cutoff frequencies
for pre-emphasis/de-emphasis RC filters:

Time constant τ
in µs
Cutoff frequency fc
in Hz
RIAA 7958 20
RIAA, NAB 3183 50
1592 100
RIAA 318 500.5
200 796
140 1137
MC 120 1326
100 1592
MC 90 1768
RIAA 75 2122
FM 70 2274
NAB, PCM 50 3183
DIN 35 4547
25 6366
AES 17.5 9095
PCM 15 10610
RIAA 3.18 50000

[edit] See also

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