Rao (Greyhawk)

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Greyhawk Deity
Title(s) The Mediator, the Calm God
Home Plane Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
Power Level Greater
Alignment Lawful Good
Portfolio Peace, Reason, Serenity
Domains Good, Knowledge, Law
Alias(es) none
Superior none

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Rao is the Flan god of Peace, Reason, and Serenity. His holy symbol is a heart-shaped mask with a calm expression.

Rao is associated with the artifact that bears his name, the Crook of Rao. He is an ally of Zilchus, and an enemy of Iuz. Rao is served by Zodal, lesser god of Mercy, Hope, and Benevolence.

[edit] Description

Rao is often depicted as an old man with white hair, dark skin, slender hands, and a peaceful smile.

[edit] Clergy and Temples

The Word of Incarum is regarded as the primary religious text of the faith.

Rao is most popular in Veluna, where Raoism is the official state religion. His priesthood seeks knowledge, and prefers peaceful solutions, though they are not above using violence when the situation calls for it.

[edit] References