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Heroes of My New comic Shadowulf

Shadowulf- main protagonist, turnde into a werewolf by an evil sorcerer bent on marrying his mother and taking over Safaria.

Tana- Shadowulf's descendent, brought to ancient Safaria when her father is killed by the same sorcerer who turned Shadowulf into a werewolf.

King Estro- king of ancient Safaria. He is Tana's 25x great grandfather, and is the mortal enemy of the sorcerer responsible for his son's wolfish transformation.

Queen Lucia- queen of Safaria whom the evil sorcerer Caertos wished to join him in his evil plot to take over Safaria (she would rule as his wife and queen).

Estro II- half-brother of Shadowulf from when his mother was raped by the sorcerer, Caertos.

Ameadeus- brother of Shadowulf who was made weak and scrawny (the exact opposite of his former self) byt Caertos.

Kamikaze- a werewolf priestess-in-training, she has been assigned the difficult task of acquiring all the Rarae Objecti. And along for her journey is her younger brother, Orion.

Io- Kamikaze's younger brother, who strangely knows the abilities and names of the Rare Objects like the back of his hand. He is also skilled in a martial art style called Equus Bellum (Latin for "War Horse" for those of you who like Latin) and loves to use his abilities to acquire the Rare Objects.

Orion- Actually, Io's clone "brother", created when Io wore the both of the twin moonstones (Rare Objects) at one time. Orion is Io's actual name, so he found fit for it to be his alias.

Adric- A cowardly (although very strong) werefox, he likes to rely on the Rare Objects for protection. He is somewhat Shadowulf's rival.

Fenris- A stronger species of werewolf, he somehow is able to start fires with his mind when under extreme emotional stress. He is also skilled in martial arts.

The Psychic Sisters- Mirage is capable of seeing into the future. Echo can move objects mentally. Shadow can ignite fires with her mind. All are telepathic, and all of them use their powers from afar to help Shadowulf.

Dark- The brother of the psychic sisters, he is capable of communicating with the dead, as well as seeing the past, and he follows his sisters' example by helping his good friend Shadowulf.

Moros- The father of the Psychic sisters and Dark. He is the creator of 500 mystical objects, each capable of a different awesome ability. These abilities are very useful in Shadowulf's crusade against Caertos' evil.

Villains of My New comic Shadowulf

Caertos- an evil, twisted sorcerer who will stop at nothing to destroy King Estro and Estro's sons, and take over Safaria,and, eventually, the world. He recruits the help of very strong forces to do this task.

"Fairy"- a powerful being, he is capable of generating portals to frigtening locations, possessing foes, and conjuring frightening monsters. And he is eternally in Caertos's debt for saving him from a monster.

Kita- a ruthless witch-in-training, whose abilities surpass her years. She is skilled in good and evil magic, but prefers evil.

Bruno - also known as "the Beastmaster", he is capable of commanding any animal to do his bidding. But that doesn't stop him from training in powerful martial arts as well.

Cyrus- a skilled illusionist, capable of creating mystical mirages which can attack like real creatures. He is also capable of some magic and fighting.

Aaron- the descendent of Caertos, he is already a foe of Tana. But now that he's teamed up with his sorcerer ancestor, his rivalry with her has gone to a whole new level.

Raven- The black sheep of the Psychic sisters' family, she is the partially demented cousin of Mirage, Echo, and Shadow and has made herself their archnemesis.

Helskrangula- he is the goblin assistant of Raven, and has devoted himself to serving her in any way possible, even murder.

Billedandrei- the powerful sorceress sister of Kita, who trained her the ways of evil magic, and as such, is highly skilled in it herself. She, however, is a bit on the insane side.

Sade- a malevolent wind being who has been hired for the capture and murder of prince Shadowulf, and will stop at nothing to earn her pay.

Djinn Zetsuei- king of the Djinni, he is the referred to as the second king of Darkness, and is capable of mind control, telepathy, teleportation and telekinesis. He is also murderously clever and has the power of psychic persuasion.

Darko- he is not really a villain, but is more just Kamikaze's rival. He is her cousin and somehow hates her guts. The feeling is mutual, although they mask their contempt with overly-nice compliments and smiles.

The storyline is just awesome...