Ranks of the People's Liberation Army Air Force

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People's Liberation Army
PLA People's Liberation Army
Ground Forces People's Liberation Army Ground Force
Navy People's Liberation Army Navy
Airforce People's Liberation Army Air Force
Second Artillery Corps
Ranks of the Chinese Military
Ranks of the People's Liberation Army Navy
Ranks of the People's Liberation Army Air Force
Ranks of the People's Liberation Army
History of the Chinese Military
Military history of China
History of the People's Liberation Army

The following graph presents the images, names, transliterations and equivalent ranks in the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force. These ranks also apply to the Chinese Army, formerly known as the People's Liberation Army.


Ranks of Officers

Rank image Chinese name Transliteration Rank translation equivalent U.S. Rank equivalent U.S. Rank insignia equivalent
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_00.gif 空军一级上将 Kong Jun Yi Ji Shang Jiang1
(existed from 1965 to 2000) (equivalent to Kong Jun Da Jiang 大将, e.g. Air General (Air Senior General), existed from 1955 to 1965)
Air Force General
(First Class General)
Marshal of the Air Force
General of the Air Force Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 12.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress 1.gif 空军上将 Kong Jun Shang Jiang Air Force General
Air Chief Marshal
Air Force General Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 11.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_01.gif 空军中将 Kong Jun Zhong Jiang Air Force Lieutenant General
Air Marshal
Air Force Lieutenant General Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 10.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_8.gif 空军少将 Kong Jun Shao Jiang Air Force Major General
Air Vice-Marshal
Air Force Major General Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 09.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_7.gif 空军大校 Kong Jun Da Xiao Air Force Brigadier
Air Commodore
Air Force Brigadier General Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 08.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_6.gif 空军上校 Kong Jun Shang Xiao Air Force Colonel
Group Captain
Air Force Colonel Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 07.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_5.gif 空军中校 Kong Jun Zhong Xiao Air Force Lieutenant Colonel
Wing Commander
Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 06.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_4.gif 空军少校 Kong Jun Shao Xiao Air Force Major
Squadron Leader
Air Force Major Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 05.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_3.gif 空军上尉 Kong Jun Shang Wei Air Force Senior Lieutenant
Flight Lieutenant
Air Force Captain
(First Lieutenant)
Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 04.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_2.gif 空军中尉 Kong Jun Zhong Wei Air Force Lieutenant
Flying Officer
Air Force First Lieutenant (Lieutenant) Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 02.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_001.gif 空军少尉 Kong Jun Shao Wei Air Force Junior Lieutenant
Pilot Officer
Air Force Second Lieutenant Image:Usa-airforce-shoulder 01.gif
Image:China-airforce-2000-dress_0.gif 空军学员 Kong Jun Xue Yuan Air Force Officer Cadet Air Force Officer Cadet N/A

Ranks of Enlisted Personnel

Ranks of the Naval, Aerial and Terrestrial branches of the Chinese military, including ranks of enlisted members
Ranks of the Naval, Aerial and Terrestrial branches of the Chinese military, including ranks of enlisted members
Chinese name Transliteration Equivalent
Enlisted members
空军六级士官 Liu Ji Shi Guan Non commissioned officer (Class 6)
空军五级士官 Wu Ji Shi Guan Non commissioned officer (Class 5)
空军四级士官 Si Ji Shi Guan Non commissioned officer (Class 4)
空军三级士官 San Ji Shi Guan Non commissioned officer (Class 3)
空军二级士官 Er Ji Shi Guan Non commissioned officer (Class 2)
空军一级士官 Yi Ji Shi Guan Non commissioned officer (Class 1)
空军上等兵 Shang Deng Bing Private First Class
空军列兵 Lie Bing Private


1. Yi Ji Shang Jiang - in the present time is not an active senior-most military rank of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Navy and Air Force. Appoint only in the war time.

See also

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