Ranks and insignia of the Sturmabteilung

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The ranks and insignia of the Sturmabteilung (SA) were the first paramilitary rank system to be developed by the Nazi Party in 1920. The titles and phrases used by the SA were eventually adopted by several other Nazi paramilitary groups, among them the Schutzstaffel (SS). Early SS ranks were identical to the SA, since the SS was originally considered a sub-organization of the Sturmabteilung.


[edit] 1920 – 1923

The first SA ranks were merely titles with no recognizable insignia. Typically, SA personnel would wear swastika armbands on a variety of paramilitary uniforms. At the start of the group’s existence, the SA had four primary ranks, those being:

[edit] 1925 – 1928

In 1925, the SA was re-founded after having been disbanded following the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. At that time, a simple rank insignia structure was developed for display on the collars of the SA’s brown uniforms.

SA Rank Translation Collar Insignia
Gruppenführer Group Leader
Oberführer Senior Leader
Standartenführer Regiment Leader
Sturmführer Storm Leader No Insignia
Mann Trooper No Insignia

[edit] 1928 – 1932

In 1928, the SA had adopted an expanded system of rank titles and began displaying a version of collar insignia consisting of pips and collar bars to denote rank and position. The SA also introduced collar unit insignia, worn opposite the badge of rank, as well as a shoulder strap system to denote an SA member as a trooper, leader, or senior leader.

SA Rank Army Equivalent Shoulder Insignia Collar Insignia
Gruppenführer General
Oberführer Brigadier
Standartenführer Colonel
Sturmbannführer Major
Sturmhauptführer Captain
Sturmführer Lieutenant
Haupttruppführer Sergeant Major
Truppführer Sergeant
Scharführer Corporal
Mann Private

[edit] 1932 – 1945

In 1932, the year before Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, the SA adopted its final rank and insignia versions which would remain unchanged until the organization ceased to exist at the close of the Second World War.

SA Rank Translation Army Equivalent Shoulder Insignia Collar Insignia
(1932 - 1934)
Collar Insignia
(1934 - 1945)
Stabschef Chief of Staff Field Marshal
SA Rank Translation Army Equivalent Shoulder Insignia Collar Insignia
Obergruppenführer Senior Group Leader General
Gruppenführer Group Leader Lieutenant General
Brigadeführer Brigade Leader Major General
Oberführer Senior Leader Brigadier General
Standartenführer Regiment Leader Colonel
Obersturmbannführer Senior Storm Unit Leader Lieutenant Colonel
Sturmbannführer Storm Unit Leader Major
Sturmhauptführer Chief Storm Leader Captain
Obersturmführer Senior Storm Leader First Lieutenant
Sturmführer Storm Leader Second Lieutenant
Haupttruppführer Chief Troop Leader Sergeant Major
Obertruppführer Senior Troop Leader Master Sergeant
Truppführer Troop Leader Sergeant First Class
Oberscharführer Senior Squad Leader Staff Sergeant
Scharführer Squad Leader Sergeant
Rottenführer Section Leader Corporal
Sturmmann Storm Trooper Private First Class
Mann Trooper Private

[edit] SA Unit Insignia

SA unit insignia patch
SA unit insignia patch

The SA used uniform colors and collar patches to denote an SA member's unit ranging from the Sturmbann and Standarten level (Battalion and Regiment) to the SA-Gruppen (SA Division) to which an SA member belonged. From those ranking Obersturmbannführer and below, a unit collar patch was worn on the right collar, opposite the badge of the rank. The patch typically displayed a member’s battalion number followed by their regiment number. Variations to this system occurred if an SA member was assigned to a headquarters staff or some other special branch of the SA.

All SA members wore various uniform colors to indicate in which SA Division a member belonged. The following was the 1944 color scheme of SA uniforms:

Prior to 1932, when the Schutzstaffel wore the same uniform as the SA, black uniform colors also indicated membership in the SS.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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