Ranginui Walker
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Ranginui Walker (born 1932) is a Māori academic and writer living in New Zealand. Walker is a member of the Whakatohea tribe of Opotiki in the Bay of Plenty. Walker was a member of Māori activist group Nga Tamatoa. He later went on to become the Professor and Head of Māori Studies at the University of Auckland. [1] He has published a number of books including:
- Perceptions and Attitudes of the New Generation of Maoris to Pakeha Domination (1981)
- History of Maori Activism (1983)
- The Treaty of Waitangi (1983)
- The Political Development of the Maori People in New Zealand (1984)
- The Meaning of Biculturalism (1986)
- Nga Mamae o te Iwi Maori: Te Ripoata o te Hui i Turangawaewae (1987)
- Nga Tau Tohetohe The Years of Anger (1987)
- Ka Whawahi tonu Matou/Struggle Without End (1990)
- Liberating Maori from Educational Subjection (1991)
- Nga Pepa a Ranginui The Walker Papers (1997)
- He Tipua The Life and Times of Sir Apirana Ngata (2001)
In 2003 Walker became a member of the Waitangi Tribunal. [2]