Randy Credico

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Randy Credico is an American political comedian and activist. Once active on the comedy circuit, including an appearance on the Tonight Show at age 27, he began a seven year campaign against New York state's Rockefeller drug laws, which he thought were too harsh disproportionately affected the poor and minorities. Small changes softening the stiffest penalties were passed in the state legislature, which Credico thought was insufficient. Credico is the subject of the film Sixty Spins Around the Sun, directed by comedian Laura Kightlinger.

[edit] References

  • Finn, Robin. "Did You Hear the One About the Drug Laws?", New York Times, February 1, 2005, page B4.
  • Gonnerman, Jennifer. "Seven Years on the Sidewalk", Village Voice, December 21, 2004, page 46.
  • Zaino, Nick A., III. "Comedy Notes: Comics' Film Mixes Madness, Madcap", Boston Globe, July 4, 2003, page E2.