Ranavalona III

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Ranavalona III
Ranavalona III

Queen Ranavalona III (b. 22 November 1861 at Amparibe, d. 23 May 1917) (also known as RanavaloManjaka III) was the last Monarch of Madagascar, reigning between 1883 and 1897.

The Queen, the daughter of Andriantsimianatra, was born at Amparibe as Princess Razafindrahety. She was proclaimed Queen on the death of her predecessor, Queen Ranavalona II on 30 July 1883. Her coronation took place at Imahamasina on 22 November 1883.

Her full title as Queen was "Her Majesty Ranavalona III by the grace of God and the will of the people, Queen of Madgascar, and Protectoress of the laws of the Nation". She ascended to the throne with the help of her future husband, Rainilairivony, together with his brother Rainivoninahitriniony the leader of the Madagascar Aristocratic revolution, in which the last male Monarch, King Radama II, was killed.

Her reign saw the First Franco-Malagasy War, after which France's victory weakened her position and on 12 December 1887 this was formally concluded by forcing the Queen to sign a pro-French treaty.

On 16 January 1896 France invaded the country, transforming Madagascar into a French Protectorate. One year later, the French general Joseph Gallieni, tired of the nominal sharing of power by the French with a local monarch, on February 28, 1897 exiled the Queen and Prime Minister in Algeria.

The Queen died in exile in Algeria on 23 May 1917 and was buried at the Royal Tombs in Andohalo in 1938.

The Merina monarchy

King Andrianampoinimerina | King Radama I | Queen Ranavalona I | King Radama II | Queen Rasoaherina | Queen Ranavalona II |
Queen Ranavalona III |

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