Ramanujan's continued fractions

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The Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan developed a number of interesting closed-form expressions for non-simple continued fractions. These are continued fractions without the restriction that the numerators be 1.

These include the almost integers

{1\over 1+{e^{-2\pi}\over 1+{e^{-4\pi}\over 1+\dots}}} = \left({\sqrt{5+\sqrt{5}\over 2}-{\sqrt{5}+1\over 2}}\right)e^{2\pi/5} = e^{2\pi/5}\left({\sqrt{\phi\sqrt{5}}-\phi}\right) = 0.9981360\dots

where φ is the golden ratio,

its multiplicative inverse

1 + {e^{-2\pi}\over 1+{e^{-4\pi}\over 1+{e^{-6\pi}\over 1+\dots}}}=\frac{1}{2}\left[1+\sqrt{5}+\sqrt{2(5+\sqrt{5})}\right]\,e^{-2\pi/5}
= \frac{e^{-2\pi/5}}{\sqrt{\phi\sqrt{5}}-{\phi}}=1.0018674.......


{1\over 1+{e^{-2\pi\sqrt{5}}\over 1+{e^{-4\pi\sqrt{5}}\over 1+\dots}}}

And its multiplicative inverse,

1 + {e^{-2\pi\sqrt{5}}\over 1+{e^{-4\pi\sqrt{5}}\over 1+\dots}}

Many fascinating mathematical identities are expressed by continued fractions. One such is this: when

u={x\over 1}+\,{x^5\over 1}+\,{x^{10}\over 1}+\,{x^{15}\over 1} + \dots


v={x^{\frac{1}{5}}\over 1}+\,{x\over 1}+\,{x^2\over 1}+\,{x^3\over 1} + \dots

