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Ramananda (1400?-1470?) was a vaishnava sant, a Ramayat, a devotee of Lord Rama. He lived in Varanasi. Like other sant-poets of northern India, he communicated in vernacular Hindi, and accepted disciples of all castes. Kabir mentions him as his guru.

Ramananda was a disciple of Raghavananda, an ascetic of the Sri Vaishnava order, expounded by Ramanuja and was known for his downplaying the role of caste.

Let no one ask a man's caste or with whom he eats. If a man is devoted to Hari, he becomes Hari's own.

Ramananda's most famous disciples were Kabir, Ravidas and Dhanna Bhagat.

The Ramanandi Sampradaya consider Ramanada to be their founder.

[edit] See also

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