
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rajo or Radjou (Kurdish: Rajo, Reco [c=j]; Arabic: بلدةراجو, مركزناحيةراجو) is the name of a town in the region of Afrin (Kurd mountain) in the district of Aleppo, northwestern Syria. Rajo has about 4,000 inhabitants and is the government city of the municipality of the same name, with approximately 65 villages and farms. The municipality of Rajo has approximately 67,000 inhabitants. Rajo is a very old city and culture place and lies on the platteu Baylan in the middle of the Kurd mountain. The name Rajo originated from an old Kurdish family of the same name of the trunk Schaykhan. Over Rajo also the “Berlin Baghdad course” runs since 1912.

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