Raiden Fighters 2

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Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive is the second game in the Raiden Fighters series, and the fifth one in the Raiden scrolling shooter game series. There is a larger selection of aircraft to choose from, and the game keeps the same hectic pace as its predecessors.

The later 'Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000 Operation Hell Dive' Clone runs on cheaper hardware and features notoriously inferior sound than the original.

[edit] Gameplay

Like previous Raiden and Raiden Fighters games, playing Raiden Fighters 2 is fairly simple; the joystick moves the player's jet around, the "Fire" button shoots the main gun, and the "Bomb" button releases a smart bomb that inflicts serious damage and momentarily shields the player from enemy fire. (Bombs are limited in supply, but when you die you always return with the starting bomb count.) The main gun can be charged up by holding down the Fire button until the ship flashes, to fire more powerful shots when Fire is released.

Many power-ups can be found to bolster your firepower.

  • An "L" icon gives your aircraft its corresponding Laser-type weapon, which varies drastically between different jets. (For instance, one jet's Laser-type weapon is a flamethrower, while another shoots spinning cresents of energy.)
  • An "M" icon gives your aircraft its unique Missile-type weapon.
  • An "S" summons a Slave, a small helper aircraft that flies alongside you and shoots when you do, giving you some extra firepower.
  • A "P" simply makes your current weapon stronger. (If you don't have a Laser or Missile, it will just make your normal vulcan gun more powerful.)
  • A "B" gives you an extra smart bomb.

Laser and Missile cannot be equipped at the same time; if one is picked up, the other is lost. Grabbing multiple L's or M's will increase the power of the weapon.