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The RaiOh is a fictional robots in the Super Robot Wars series. It, and its upgrade, the DaiRaiOh, has appeared as a playable in Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 only.


[edit] Appearance

The RaiOh is a unit colored in bright grey and silver for most of its body, with black in various areas. The design is humanoid, and is rounded instead of the boxiness commonly found in giant robots. Noticeable features include the gold crown-like decoration on the head and the red scarf. It also has ruby-like jewels on many parts of its body, most notably the shoulders and crown.

The DaiRaiOh looks similar to the RaiOh, but has a larger crown, seems better armored, has more extravagant gold shoulders, and has more gold in other areas.

Many fans have noted that the RaiOh and the DaiRaiOh's designs are likely heavily influenced by the famous hero Kamen Rider. Such influences include the crimson scarf and a final attack that involves a powerful kick.

[edit] Technical And Historical

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The RaiOh is the latest machine in the Dynamic General Guardian series and is designated with the codename DGG-XAM3. This machine, though developed by Mao Industries and Tesla Leicht Institute, is looked over by scientist Minaki Tomine. The RaiOh harnesses lightning energy via plasma drives to power its attacks. Minaki finished developing her father's LIOH System (Lead Innovation Organic Harmony) and installed it in the RaiOh. Minaki's father wanted to create a world of perfect soldiers, and wanted the LIOH System to carry out this plot. What the system does is pump large amounts of adrenaline into the human body to enhance its performance, making for a very dangerous system that can have harmful effects on the pilot.

Touma Kanou, a delivery boy, becomes the RaiOh's pilot through a chance of fate. While Balmar begins its second invasion of Earth, he happens to be at Minaki's house while doing his job. He is eventually placed in a situation where he is forced to pilot the RaiOh. After this, he becomes the pilot of the machine and is trained by Tetsuya Tsurugi of Great Mazinger. The LIOH System Touma clash, however -- on one such occasion, it causes Touma to go completely insane, having been overloaded with adrenaline. It would take a decisive blow by Sanger Zonvolt in his DGG-XAM1 Dygenguard to stop Touma. After this, even though it is a system that can promise great results, the system is removed. Instead, the cockpit is outfitted to use a Direct Motion Link System, which follows the exact movements of Touma's body. Using this system, he invents the "Rising Meteor" attack, which takes full advantage of its new mobility.

A while later, the RaiOh takes immense damage from a battle with Touma's rival, Baran Doban of Balmar. Using many of the Dygenguard's parts, it is upgraded into the DGG-XAM3C DaiRaiOh, which is a powerful improvement over the RaiOh, sporting better armor and attack capabilities. It is accepted by its peers and the fanbase as a true Dynamic General Guardian in this form. In another sortie with Baran Doban, the face of the machine is smashed. Touma decides not to repair it, and the scar stays. In a later battle against Hazal Gozzo of Balmar, Touma is finally able to push the DaiRaiOh past its limits with his new "JinRai" attack, achieving such great power that the LIOH System's abilities are completely outclassed by Touma's strength.

The RaiOh's name, written in kanji as (雷凰) means "Lightning Phoenix", but can also be interpreted as the pronunciation of "LIOH" (as there is no difference between L and R in Japanese). When the RaiOh is upgraded to DaiRaiOh (大雷凰), it becomes the "Great Lightning Phoenix" . The 'dai' (大), meaning "big, great", can also function as part of the abbreviation "Dynamic Lightning Over" ("Dainamikku Raitoningu Ooba").

[edit] RaiOh Specifications

Height: 48.3 meters

Weight: 122.5 tons

Weapon Systems:

  • Harken Impulse
    A plasma energy shot is launched from the leg.
  • Counter Break
    The plasma leaders in the arms use electricity to "lasso" the enemy off of the ground. A powerful kick is then delivered.
  • Lightning Fall
    The RaiOh delivers a lightning kick aimed at the ground that creates a shockwave effect, damaging surrounding targets.
  • Rising Meteor
    The RaiOh charges itself up. It delivers a set of kicks to its target to knock them high into the air and then delivers a final kick.

[edit] DaiRaiOh Specifications

Height: 53.8 meters

Weight: 148.6 tons

Weapon Systems:

  • Harken Impulse Drive
    A pair of plasma beam shots are launched from the legs.
  • Counter Spike Charge
    The plasma leaders in the arms generate a large amount of electricity to grab the target off of the ground. DaiRaiOh then delivers a strong kick attack.
  • Plasma Spiral Dive
    The DaiRaiOh uses powerful knee-mounted thrusters to deliver a lightning kick aimed at the ground that creates a shockwave effect, damaging surrounding targets.
  • Rising Meteor Inferno
    The DaiRaiOh delivers a massive kick, then throws the enemy up into the air with a violent swing, finishing with a final flying kick to shatter the opponent.
  • JinRai
    Touma's ultimate finishing attack. This attack involves delivering a fully charged lightning kick to the opponent. After this, it can deliver a supercharged downward kick to drive the enemy into the ground, creating a reaction so powerful that it forms a pillar of fire from ground zero upward, high into the sky. The characters for JinRai are, appropriately enough, 'God-Lightning'.
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