Raghu Ramakrishnan

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Raghu Ramakrishnan is a renowned researcher in the areas of database and information management. He is currently a Vice President and Research Fellow for Yahoo! Inc. Previously, he was a Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr. Ramakrishnan received a bachelor's degree from IIT Madras in 1983, and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1987. He has been selected as a Fellow of the ACM and a Packard fellow, and has done pioneering research in the areas of deductive databases, data mining, exploratory data analysis, data privacy, and web-scale data integration. The focus of his current work (2007) is community-based information management.

With Johannes Gehrke, Dr. Ramakrishnan authored the popular textbook Database Management Systems, also known as the "Cow Book".

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