Ragbaby Stevens

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Joe Stevens, generally known as '"Ragbaby" or "Rag Baby Stevens", (January, 1887 - c. 1927) was an early New Orleans ragtime and jazz drummer. (His family name has appeared in print both as "Stevens" and "Stephens"; Ragbaby himself seems to have been illiterate.)

1918 Photo of Ragbaby Stevens

"Ragbaby" was of the best regarded hot drummers with Papa Jack Laine's Reliance band in New Orleans in the early years of the 20th century. He left town to get away from personal problems, and became one of the first New Orleans jazz musicians established in Chicago. His telegrams home were responsible for bringing Paul Mares and George Brunies up north. For some years he worked with banjoist/ bandleader Bert Kelly.

In 1918 Kelly brought his "Jass Band", including Ragbaby, Alcide Nunez, and Tom Brown (trombonist) to New York City to fill in for the Original Dixieland Jass Band at Reisenweber's Cafe. The Kelly band enjoyed success, and was hired to continue playing, alternating with the Original Dixieland, after that band's return to New York. After the Kelly Jazz Band won greater approval from the crowds at a "Battle of the Bands" Ragbaby found his drum head's slashed, and he took the next train back to Chicago and never again headed east.

Stevens was a regular on the Chicago jazz scene into the 1920s; early in the decade he was reunited with clarinetist Alcide Nunez playing in the house band at the noted jazz venue (and speakeasy) "Kelly's Stables".

Eddie Edwards recalled Rag Baby "was a magnificent drummer...He inspired you."