Raga Sri

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This is an India musical raga (composition) that appears in the Sikh tradition from northern India and is part of the Sikh holy scripture called Sri Guru Granth Sahib or SGGS for short. Every raga has a strict set of rules which govern the number of notes that can be used; which notes can be used; and their interplay that has to be adhered to for the composition of a tune.

In the SGGS composition appear in 31 ragas and this is the first raga to appear in the series. The composition in this raga appear on 80 pages from page 14 to 94.

Raga Sri was favoured by the Hindus musician for their religious events and is found in many of the ancient articles on music. In the Ragmala Sri Raga is listed as a parent raga, is said to be a member of the "purvi" set. This raga is still a popular concert raga today and is considered one of the most famous from among the North Indian classical system. Guru Nanak, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, and Guru Arjan have composed sacred hymns (Shabads) to be accompanied with this raga. Traditionally performed at sunset, it is assigned to the rainy season as well as the months of November and December. Its mood is one of majesty combined with prayerful meditation. This raga is always referred to as "Siri Raga" rather than placing the term raga before the name. It accompanies about 142 Shabads.

The following represents the order of notes that can be used on the ascending and descending phase of the composition and the primary and secondary notes:

  • Aroh: Sa Re M'a, Pa Ni Sa
  • Avroh: Sa Ni Dha, Pa M'a Ga Re Sa
  • Pakar: Sa, Re Re Pa, Pa M'a Ga Re, Re Re, Sa
  • Vadi: Re
  • Samvadi: Pa

[edit] See also

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These articles deal with Sikh Ragas

Asa | Bairari | Basant | Bhairon | Bihagara | Bilaval | Devagandhari | Dhanasari | Gauri | Gond
Gujari | Jaijavanti | Jaitsri | Kalian | Kanara | Kedara | Maajh | Malaar | Mali Gaura | Maru | Nat Narain
Prabhati | Ramkali | Sarang | Sri | Sorath | Suhi | Tilang | Todi | Tukhari | Vadahans