Rafiq Jaber

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Rafiq Jaber (Arabic: رفيق جابر‎) (b. in Ramallah), whose name is also transliterated as Rafeeq Jaber, immigrated to the United States in 1974.

He is married with three daughters and owns Jaber Financial Services.

He is an Arab Muslim activist. He lectures throughout the U.S. on University and College campuses. He is a cofounder of the Council on American Islamic Relations.[1] He was the president of the Islamic Association for Palestine[2][3] from 1994-2005. He is one of the founders of the Muslim Civil Center in Chicago, the United Muslim American Association, the American Muslim Society in Illinois, and Christian Muslim Dialog in Illinois[4]. He also served as President of the Bridgeview Mosque/Mosque Foundation in Illinois for two years. He is an Honory Editorial Board Member of the Palestine Chronicle[5].


[edit] Views

Jaber said he thinks the two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is "really just a farce."[6]

When discussing American Jewry, Jaber said "the Zionists and the Jewish people, here in this country, they are [sic] big businesses and the advertisers, and so that's one factor of it… The second part of it, of course, there is distortion of all the facts, that about Palestine, from not just the media, also from the government. The government here, which is the political leaders of our country here, [sic] that they lean also toward who is giving them the money and who is voting for them. Again, we see the Jewish people and the Jewish money and the Jewish lobby here [7]."

[edit] Quotes

"The problem is that we've been looking to start from the roof instead of the foundation," he explains. "If we start from the grass roots, senators and presidents will come to us. When you go to visit a member of Congress, he'll listen to you if he knows you can bring him votes or donations [8].

"Politicians don't get elected to Congress because they're dummies. They're practical and they're realistic. You can see that the IAP is one of the most effective organizations. We don't compromise our principles [9]."

[edit] References

  1. ^ Rafeeq Jaber: An Energetic Muslim Visionary and Fearless Palestinian-American Political Activist
  2. ^ IAP Board Of Directors/Shura Council
  3. ^ Stanley BOIM, Individually and as Administrator of the Estate of David Boim, deceased, and Joyce Boim, Plaintiffs, v. QURANIC LITERACY INSTITUTE, Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Islamic Association for Palestine, American Muslim Society, American Middle Eastern League for Palestine, United Association for Studies and Research, Mohammad Abdul Hamid Khalil Salah, Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, Amjad Hinawi, and the Estate of Khalil Tawfiq Al-Sharif, Defendants.
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ Announcement of Palestine Chronicle
  6. ^ Ahmed Rehab's Radio Islam show, January 8, 2005
  7. ^ Ahmed Rehab's Radio Islam show, January 8, 2005
  8. ^ Washington Report for Middle East Affairs
  9. ^ Washington Report for Middle East Affairs

[edit] External Links