Raetic language

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For the modern Romance languages spoken in Switzerland and North-Eastern Italy, see Rhaeto-Romance languages.
Languages in Iron Age Italy, 6th century BC
Languages in Iron Age Italy, 6th century BC

Raetic or Rhaetic is a largely obscure language of antiquity, which used to be spoken in the province of Raetia, in the Eastern Alps, to the north and west of Venetic. It is sparsely attested, in inscriptions in various northern developments of the Etruscan alphabet, leaving room for much speculation on its ancestry. For a research history see Schumacher (1992) and Schumacher (1992) and Morandi (1999) for editions of the inscriptions. All recent authorities have stressed a connection with Etruscan (Rix 1998, Schumacher 1998).

Raetic became extinct by the 3rd century, after the speakers were assimilated and adopted Latin (in south) and German (in north). Many inscriptions are known, but most of them are only fairly repetitive and short, probably mostly votive texts. The name of the Venetic goddess Reitia has commonly been discerned in the Raetic finds, but the two names do not seem to be linked.

[edit] References

  • Morandi, Alessandro. (1999). Il cippo di Castelciès nell’epigrafia retica (Studia archaeologica, 103). Rome: Bretschneider
  • Prosdocimi, Aldo L. (2003-4). 'Sulla formazione dell'alfabeto runico.Promessa di novità documentali forse decisive'. Archivio per l'Alto Adige 97-98.427-440
  • Rix, Helmut. (1998). Rätisch und Etruskisch (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft; Vorträge und kleinere Schriften, 68). Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck.
  • Schumacher, Stefan. (1992). Die rätischen Inschriften. Geschichte und heutiger Stand der Forschung (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft; Sonderheft, 79). Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 2nd ed. 2004.
  • Schumacher, Stefan. (1998). 'Sprachliche Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Rätisch und Etruskisch'. Der Schlern 72.90-114.

[edit] External links

[edit] See also