Radio taiso

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Poster for promoting "radio exercise" during the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, a health policy which is still being practised among primary students in Japan
Poster for promoting "radio exercise" during the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, a health policy which is still being practised among primary students in Japan

Radio taisō (also known as rajio taisō, radio physical exercises; Japanese: ラジオ体操 ) refers to the warm-up exercises popular in Japan, along with the music broadcast on public radio early in the morning.


[edit] Export

While the Imperial Japan Japanese nationalism upon its peripherial countries in the early nineteenth century, the Japanese introduced the policy to its occupying regions, such as Taiwan and Hong Kong.

[edit] After World War II

This used to be one of the Japanese Government's health policies towards Japanese primary and junior high school students. Radio taiso was once banned by the US Occupation after World War II, along with shogi, all martial arts and many other things that were considered militaristic.

[edit] Current status

Now, similar to the Chinese martial arts, tai chi in China, radio taiso is considered calisthenics comparatively suitable for the Japanese citizens, and the key to health.

[edit] Places that practise radio taisō

[edit] Current

[edit] Cessation

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