Radiation zone

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The radiation zone is the middle zone in the sun's interior. Energy travels out of the core into the radiation zone. Energy travels through the radiation zone in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The radiation zone is so dense that the waves bounce around. The energy might not get out of the radiation zone for millions of years.

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The Sun
v  d  e
Image:Sun picture.png
Structure: Solar Core - Radiation Zone - Convection Zone
Atmosphere - Photosphere - Chromosphere - Transition region - Corona
Extended Structure: Termination Shock - Heliosphere - Heliopause - Heliosheath - Bow Shock
Solar Phenomena: Sunspots - Faculae - Granules - Supergranulation - Solar Wind - Spicules
Coronal loops - Solar Flares - Solar Prominences - Coronal Mass Ejections
Moreton Waves - Coronal Holes
Other: Solar System - Solar Variation - Solar Dynamo - Heliospheric Current Sheet - Solar Radiation - Solar Eclipse