Race Car Patrol

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The Race Car Patrol are a team of four Autobot Micromasters in the Transformers Universes released in 1989. They are the most well known team in the U.S. for appearing in the Marvel comics, they are quite known in Japan as they appeared in the Transformers Zone TV series.


[edit] Generation One (1989)

Marvel Comics

[edit] Free Wheeler

Toy Gallery

"Avoid the potholes on the road of life."

Function: Reconnaissance


(From Dreamwave's More Than Meets the Eye Profile Book)

Free Wheeler is easy-going and carefree, just wanting to avoid hassles and enjoy himself. Sadly, these traits are totally unfitting in the middle of a conflict as intense as the Autobot/Decepticon war. Free Wheeler was a young bohemiam type before the fighting started, and he has found it incredibly difficult to adept his passive, relaxed lifestyle to the rigors of combat. He's not lacking bravery, but motivation and drive are alien concepts to him. Free Wheeler is the primary obstacle holding the Race Car Patrol back from being more effective as a unit. Savvy leader Road Handler understands that Free Wheeler is confused and scared, and is always encouraging and supportive of him. Road Handler eventually wants him to rely on himself instead of whoever's giving him orders.

Free Wheeler has average physical strength. He has great speed in his vehicle mode but lacks driving control.

Free Wheeler sometimes becomes overwhelmed in combat situations, relying on Road Handler's orders to pull through.

[edit] Road Handler

Toy Gallery

"Unwary warriors soon become wrecks."

Function: Patrol Leader


(From Dreamwave's More Than Meets the Eye Profile Book)

Road Handler has the task of forging the Race Car Patrol into a more effective unit, and the hard-working motivator us putting all his energy into the job. It's a struggle, since he has to act as a buffer between Swindler and Tailspin's polar opposite personalities while simultaneously guiding the aimless Free Wheeler along. He has to put so much effort into getting the others to mesh that he has little time to focus on his personal actions, let alone his personal life. That suits Road Handler just fine; he's a selfish and dedicated friend and soldier. He's just afraid that the team team relies too much on him instead of trusting themselves. Road Handler hopes eventually to wean them off his direct leadership so that they can function well on their own. He feels that only then will they be able to function as a true team.

Road Handler is highly intelligent and a skilled espionage and reconnaissance agent. He is a capable soldier with a proficiency in wrestling and other hand-to-hand techniques and an excellent leader. As a vehicle, he can attain speeds of 220 mph for a range of 550 miles. He has average physical strength.

Road Handler is so wrapped up in all his different responsiblities to others that he sometimes neglects his own.

[edit] Swindler

Toy Gallery

"Burn rubber, not Energon."

Function: Reconnaissance


(From Dreamwave's More Than Meets the Eye Profile Book)

Working smarter, not harder is Swindler's prime directive. He operates quickly and efficiently, always finding a resourceful way to maximise his effectiveness. Aside from team leader Road Handler, Swindler is the most professional component of the patrol. Swindler is often called upon to come up with some new tactic or strategy to get them out of a dangerous recon situation. Swindler stays calm and handles these situations with characteristic grace, whether he's gambling for a game or for his life, since he doesn't expect to lose.

Swindler has great intelligence. He is a skilled gambler and short-term tactician. In vehicle mode, he has only average speed but great maneuverability.

Swindler is not physically very powerful, even for a Micromaster. He must rely on his intelligence and skill with a laser to get by.

[edit] Tailspin

Toy Gallery

"Put the pedal to the metal."

Function: Reconnaissance


''(From Dreamwave's More Than Meets the Eye Profile Book)

The Race Car Patrol's primary function is to quickly scout out battle sites moments before Autobot troops arrive, relaying vital information about Decepticon capabilities and the terrain's advantages and disadvantages for combat. Every time the patrol embarks on such a mission, Tailspion openly hopes they'll have a chance to engage early-arriving Decepticon forces. He's definitely the most impulsive of the group; Tailspin will push himself the hardest, drive the fastest, and start fighting first. Road Handler admires his spunk but often pulls him aside to explain the real purpose of the patrol's missions.

Tailspin has average intelligence and physical strength. As a vehicle, he can reach speeds of 230 mph for a distance of 500 miles. In robot mode, he has two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. Each launcher can fire three independently targeting magnetic warheads.

Tailspin's eagerness to fight often gets him in over his head, and he has a tendency to fire his weaponry without thinking of the collateral consequences.

[edit] Universe (2004)

Toy Gallery

It is not known whether the Mini-Con Roadhandler who was released with Swerve in 2004 is the same character as the original G1 Micromaster with a new body or just a previously unseen Mini-Con who happens to share the same name. The two do share a similar color scheme but it is open to interpretation