Talk:Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia removed the work statement. Is that no longer the case? You no longer have to work when you are a student there? Rearden9 19:04, 25 August 2006 (UTC)

To my knowledge, you still must work or participate in a sport every season. However, the last time I was there was last year. But I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'll ask someone I know who still goes there about it. OmnipotentEntity 04:23, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

Campus maintenance, cooking, cleaning, grounds keeping, etc. are no longer done by the students and are now performed by school employees and outside contractors. Students still do a limited amount of community service.

I went there for one year (hated the place, so i won't edit this article, horrible biase I'm afraid) and you still have to work... one season of sports, one of work, and one of something else, i forget what... but i did two sports and a club... no work and they still let me pass... they don't really check.

-- Basically, the way it works is that an afternoon activity of some sort is mandatory, be it sports, work, a club, or some sort of artistic pursuit. The work program is really 45 minutes of busywork that basically exists to encourage students to instead pursue some other, more "educational" activity I suppose. So while work is in a sense required, the school isn't getting any real labor out of the students, and therefore I think it would be inaccurate to say that it's working as 'part of the tuition'--- this used to actually be the case, but it is not any more.