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Artist's rendering of an Elohim standing in front of a spaceship inside Puy de Lassolas, a volcano near the capital city of Auvergne.
Artist's rendering of an Elohim standing in front of a spaceship inside Puy de Lassolas, a volcano near the capital city of Auvergne.

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Raëlism is a naturalist[1] UFO religion promoted by the Raëlian Movement, which was founded by former auto racing journalist Claude Vorhilon. Followers, the Raëlians, believe in the rights of individualism, sexual self-determination, distributive economy, and accountability, claiming that this will be fostered by greater intelligences and will bring a new age of wealth and peace, or Golden Age, as predicted by the "main" religions.

In December 26, 2002, Brigitte Boisselier, a Raëlian Bishop and CEO of a biotechnology company called Clonaid, announced the birth of baby Eve, a human clone, which at that point ignited much media attention, ethical debate, doubt, critics, and claims of a hoax. Spokespeople for the movement, such as Claude Vorhilon, have suggested that this is only first step in achieving a more important agenda, saying that that accelerated growth process and mind transfer, in combination with cloning are mechanisms by which eternal life may be achieved. Raëlians believe that cloning will serve as the basis for a resurrection of the dead from previous human generations into a intelligently governed paradise which they believe will be created on Earth after the technological singularity[2][3] and the coming of Elohim as well as the prophets of the main religions.


[edit] Beliefs about humanity's religious prophets and the coming of the extraterrestrial creators

Raëlians believe that life on earth originated from directed panspermia and cosmic ancestry.
Raëlians believe that life on earth originated from directed panspermia and cosmic ancestry.

According to the History of Raëlism, an explanation of humanity's origins and future was transmitted to Raël by a 25,000-year-old extraterrestrial named Yahweh Elohim, who came in a classic UFO-type space vessel and landed in a volcano in Auvergne, France called Puy de Lassolas. These messages were later published by Raël in the book The Message Given to me by Extra-terrestrials (now republished as Intelligent Design: Message from the Designers 2006 ISBN 2940252203).

Raëlians believe that the name Elohim, as said by primitive people of the past, refers to "those who came from the sky", or more accurately, humanoid extraterrestrials. Raëlism espouses belief that through mastery of solar astronomy, terraformation, nanotechnology, and genetic engineering, the Elohim were able to synthesize a novel ecological system with organisms adapted to the chemical and thermal make up of the Earth.

The message dictated to Raël during his encounter with the Elohim states that the Elohim contacted about forty people to act as their prophets on Earth, including Moses, Elijah, Ezekiel, Mahavira, Buddha, John the Baptist, Jesus, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, and Bahá'u'lláh.[4] Raëlians believe that the following religions are Elohimic in orgin: Hinduism - Judaism - Jainism - Buddhism - Taoism - Christianity - Islam - Mormonism - Bahá'í Faith.[4]

Artist's rendering of the Embassy for Extraterrestrials or "Third Temple" which Raëlians believe will support an official contact with Extraterrestrial Elohim and their messengers of the main religions at the "New Jerusalem"
Artist's rendering of the Embassy for Extraterrestrials or "Third Temple"[5][6][7] which Raëlians believe will support an official contact with Extraterrestrial Elohim and their messengers of the main religions at the "New Jerusalem"[8][5]

The Raëlians believe, furthermore, that the Elohim will visit the earth officially when enough of its population is peaceful and come to know about them. They believe this is foretold in all religious texts - the predicted Age of Apocalypse or Revelation (unveiling of the truth). They say these humans from the sky will meet in the embassy they have asked Raël to build for them and share their advanced scientific knowledge with us, their creation. Thus, one of their stated main goals is to inform as many people as possible about this extraterrestrial race.

[edit] Philosophy

[edit] Individualism

Raëlians inside and outside the Raëlian Movement structure believe in self-accountability, well being, and pleasure as well as the right to form new ideological paradigms, as long these paradigms prevent insensitivity.[9] Raëlians believe that sensitivity should be internally moderated, for everything that one does, including what one tells others, have natural consequences, and consequently, Raëlians think that the ones who "pull the trigger" are to be held just as accountable as the ones who give the order to do so,[10] but not according to the imperfect "eye for an eye" principle which amounts to overreaction.[9]

Sensual Meditation (1980), Raël's fifth book about Raëlism.
Sensual Meditation (1980), Raël's fifth book about Raëlism.

Accountability assumes the ability to break habits, learned responses to rhythmically occurring stimuli, by learning how to unlearn those responses.[11] Raëlians claim that this unlearning of habitual responses can be made easier by practicing oxygen-intense Sensual Meditation. Individual potential should be realized, which according to Raëlians, requires that one must be harmonious with the infinite surrounding he or she bathes by praticing constant meditation and deprogramming of unhelpful learned responses by externally then internally controlling the complex of stimuli one is subjected to without practicing ascetism.[11]

[edit] Love

Raëlians believe that love involves experiencing different varieties and possibilities, which allows one to break habits, make more life organic and less conflicting while being more pleasant and interesting. Raëlians believe that only love can stop war and injustice that currently persists in today's world. Raëlians welcome the science of the future including genetically modified food and nanotechnology which they optimistically believe will enable mankind to reach a unified stage of bliss, in a world that embraces science and technology.[12]

They gave us a message saying there is no god, no soul, we have been created in a laboratory and science is love and love is science, we must be friendly with all living species, whatever they look like. There are civilizations out there watching us and they certainly don’t want to land here since we are still killing each other because of skin color [or religious beliefs]. They are too afraid to come here[...][13]

—Raël (Claude Vorilhon), Raelian Contact 307

[edit] Proposed solutions to problems of the world

[edit] World Government

"we want peace in the world"
"we want peace in the world"

Messages of the International Raëlian Movement state that a world government would be more easily established by a world language and currency. The Raëlian Messages also recommended that all nations at once must transform their armies away from being against other countries and toward the goal of protecting the life, liberty, and happiness of the people:

Finally the trigger required to bring about such a union is the suppression of military conscription, which teaches only aggressiveness to young men. Professional armies must then be assigned to protect public order.

This must happen at the same time in all countries so as to provide an indispensable guarantee of security.

—Raël (Claude Vorilhon), The Book Which Tells The Truth[14]

[edit] Justice, reform, and public good by the intellectually gifted

Main article: Geniocracy

[edit] Freeing people from the obligation to work

[edit] Beliefs about humanity's future abilities

[edit] Human Cloning

See also: Human Cloning and Mind transfer
Raël's sixth book entitled Yes to Human Cloning
Raël's sixth book entitled Yes to Human Cloning

It is important not to be confused by different uses of the word "cloning". In the scientific community, cloning refers only to the creation of a genetically identical living thing. Note that "genetically identical" does not mean altogether identical; this kind of cloning does not reproduce a living thing's memories or experiences, for example.

In discussions of Raëlism, cloning sometimes seems to refer not only to biological cloning, but to biological human cloning plus mind and/or brain transfer, or to a process where adult clones can be directly made.[12]

[edit] "Eternal life thanks to Science"

See also: Eternal Life and Science

Raëlians believe that eternal life will one day be possible through science. Raël explains that this will be achieved in three stages:[12]

Stage 1: Create a genetically identical copy of someone by human cloning. The first step, human cloning, while certainly not trivial, is widely recognized as a goal science is capable of pursuing, despite being thought of as science fiction only 20 years ago. Outsiders in general find both ideas ethically troublesome. A majority of Raëlians do not share these concerns, and a minority of Raëlians, including trained scientists, are actively researching this first step.[12]

Stage 2: Cause the clone to mature much, much faster than normal. Raël makes the statement that in the future, scientists will discover an "accelerated-growth process"[15] in which a process like guided self-assembly of rapidly expanded cells or even nanotechnological assembly a whole human body may be created in a very short time.[12]

Stage 3: Transferring the memory and personality of the original person to the mature clone by a kind of scientific process, presumably through a computer back up of the person's brain waves, which is then downloaded onto the fresh clone. However some critics believe this may be unethical due to the memory of the clone itself.[12]

[edit] "No ethereal soul, just DNA"

See also: Physicalism

Raëlians do not believe in reincarnation as dictated by mystical writings because they do not believe that an ethereal soul exists free of physical confinement.[12] In the book Yes to Human Cloning, the soul is defined as primitive man's term for DNA.[12] Raëlians claim that in the final stages of development, DNA (whose properties within a body change over time) alone would be enough to bring someone back.[16] They say that prior to the final stage, reincarnation would require a "recording" of the individual's mind, for use in mind transfer into a fully grown adult clone which has not been exposed to any sensory input.[12]

The memories and DNA of human beings for the past thousands of years are recorded by advanced supercomputers of the Elohim relatively close to our solar system.[17] however, what it takes to be "neutral" in the case here is not really known. After the coming of the about 40 other prophets of Elohim, if that occurs, Raëlians believe, this information will be accessible to scientists on Earth who will perform resurrections of many billions of individuals either for long-term reward or short-term punishment. Raëlians do not believe in sadisms such as eternal suffering and punishment, but they believe in eternal life of pleasure for those that want it. The Raëlian Messages says that those who are neutral in their ways would not be resurrected,[17] however, what it takes to be "neutral" in the case here is not really known.

Raël, the founder of the Raëlian Movement, expressed an interest in bringing back famous individuals such as Jesus or Hitler, either for inspiration or to allow for retroactive punishment, but this is a low priority for him at this time. Raël also mentioned cloning as the solution to terrorism by suicide attacks, as the perpetrators would not be able to escape punishment by killing themselves if they could be recreated after their attacks.[16]

[edit] Criticisms and Allegations concerning Raëlian views on cloning

1970s-esque artwork inspired by the said cloning of Raël during his visit to Planet of Eternals, the place where Raël said that ancient prophets such as Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed still live through cloned (resurrected) bodies.
1970s-esque artwork inspired by the said cloning of Raël during his visit to Planet of Eternals, the place where Raël said that ancient prophets such as Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed still live through cloned (resurrected) bodies.[18]
Amid the warnings of sober-suited scientists and bioethicists, Raël lent a sci-fri frisson to stories that speculated on the mind-boggling implications of cloning human beings.

"A star-shaped pendant around his neck, his hair gathered atop his head in a bun, the white-suited leader of a Canadian religious group told lawmakers Wednesday that they should no more block his plans to clone human beings than they would stop the development of antibiotics, blood transfusions, vaccines and other medical advances," ran the lead in Aaron Zittner’s Los Angeles Times story.[19]

—Susan J. Palmer, The Rael Deal

I consider that in trying to clone humans the Raelian groups are taking unacceptable risks with human beings and acting unethically," says Dr Donald Bruce, Director of the Church of Scotland's Society Religion & Technology Project, "But claims made by Clonaid that a cloned baby girl has been born must be treated as [skeptical] without proper confirmation.”[20]

—Anonymous, BBC NEWS

[edit] Creating life on other planets

See also: Biogenesis, Terraforming, and Ecology

Raëlism asserts that the following is possible:

  • Humanity will be able to travel the distances between stars and estabilish ecology on a terraformed planet.
  • Massive amount of capital can be contributed to such a project so that humanity can establish conditions on the new planet similar those found during the early history of life on Earth.
  • Progress in molecular biology, physicalist neuroscience, and cloning will allow humanity to become creators of the new habitats on the dwelling they have designed.
  • Progress in social engineering will ensure that this creation will follow development that is parallel to the development that has occurred on planet Earth. Research on how globalization will occur on another planet will allow scientists to decide what articles should be left behind in the case that most dexterous of their creation will search for evidence of their origin in accordance with a logical order of discovery. For example, the most intelligent among the creation may develop ideas of spontaneous generation which would be replaced by ideas of primordial soup which itself would be replaced by the ideas of biogenesis.
  • The progress can reach a point where an infinite chain of creation can be sustained.

[edit] Other Controversies

See also: Raëlian Church and Raël
Now Rael became a classic "big bad cult leader," portrayed in news stories as a sexual libertine enjoying a luxurious life at his followers’ expense. Raelians were stigmatized by the French media as fascists,[21] satanists, pedophiles,[22][23] and even as anti-Semites (although Rael clearly states that Jews are more intelligent with superior DNA because they are a cross-breed of Elohim and mortal women). In the daily faxes that ADFI, France’s powerful anti-cult organization, sends out to every major newspaper in France, the Raelians are a primary target.[19]

—Susan J. Palmer, The Rael Deal

[edit] See also

[edit] Further reading

[edit] References

  1. ^ Williams, Peter S, Raelians Successfully Clone Naturalism, Access Research Network. 2003. Retrived 9 December 2006
  2. ^ A BEAUTIFUL ASIAN SEMINAR..., Raelian Contact 281. 25 August 2005. Retrieved 24 February 2007.
  3. ^ THE FUTURE, Raelian Contact 286. 11 October 2005. Retrieved 24 February 2007.
  4. ^ a b Carter, Glenn, Glenn Carter's Raëlian Webpage, Glenncarter.com. Retrieved 12 March 2007.
  5. ^ a b Yoel Ben Assayag, A Dinner With the Messiah, Raelian Contact 320. 10 October 2006. Retrieved 15 February 2007
  6. ^ WORDS OF OUR BELOVED PROPHET, Raelian Contact 317. 24 August 2006. Retrieved 15 February 2007
  7. ^ OUR BELOVED PROPHET IN ACCRA, Raelian Contact 257. 4 January 2006. Retrieved 15 February 2007
  8. ^ Uriel, Invitation and welcoming with the Kimbangists, Raelian Contact 269. Retrieved 15 February 2007.
  9. ^ a b Raël, Maitreya. The Raelian Foundation, 2003.
  10. ^ Raël, Geniocracy. The Raelian Foundation, 2004.
  11. ^ a b Raël, Sensual Meditation. Tagman Press, 2001.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i Raël, Yes to Human Cloning: Immortality Thanks to Science. Tagman Press', 2001. ISBN 1903571057; ISBN 1903571049.
  13. ^ WORDS of OUR BELOVED PROPHET, Raelian Contact 307. 4 May 2006. Retrieved 14 February 2007.
  14. ^ Book 1 of 2 in the following compilations: The Message Given to me by Extraterrestrials (1986), The Message Given by Extraterrestrials (1998), The Final Message (1998), True Face of God (1998). Book 1 of 3 in the compilation Intelligent Design (2006).
  15. ^ Sect leader: Cloning is just the beginning, Cable News Network. 31 December 2002. Retrieved 2 August 2006.
  16. ^ a b Cloning solution to terrorism, some say, The Maneater. 21 September 2001. Retrieved 6 April 2007.
  17. ^ a b Book 2 of 2 in the following compilations: The Message Given to me by Extraterrestrials (1986), The Message Given by Extraterrestrials (1998), The Final Message (1998), True Face of God (1998). Book 1 of 3 in the compilation Intelligent Design (2006).
  18. ^ The Message Given to me by Extraterrestrials (Japanese copy), The International Raelian Movement. Retrieved 12 March 2007.
  19. ^ a b Susan J. Palmer, The Rael Deal, Religion in the News, Summer 2001, Vol. 4, No. 2.
  20. ^ Cloned baby claim met with doubt, BBC NEWS. 27 December 2002. Retrieved 30 September 2006.
  21. ^ Raelians, however, deny this and have set up quiz titled "ARE YOU A FASCIST?". Although the book Geniocracy proposes a college of genius elected by above average intelligences as a means of governance, it still allows for a various array of political parties.
  22. ^ See Raëlian Church.
  23. ^ Cult leader Rael denied residence in Switzerland, Agence France-Presse. 19 February 2005. Retrieved 13 March 2007.
  24. ^ Houellebecq, prêtre honoraire du mouvement raëlien, Le Nouvel Observateur. 19 October 2005. Retrieved 2 August 2006.

[edit] External links

Official Raëlian Sites

Raëlian Research Interests

Sexuality in Raëlism

Unofficial Raëlian Sites

Odd Connection... Study concerning this New Religious Movement

Criticism from Skeptics