Raëlian cosmology

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In Raëlian Cosmology, the Cosmological Principle is denied and instead is replaced by a hierarchal fractal structure.  The animation above shows an imaginary journey thorough the cosmos in forward time.  Blue Sky→Stars→Andromeda Galaxy→Many Galaxies→Small Blue Galaxies→Perforated Wall→Particles→Empty Space→Pollen Grain→Air→Landscape
In Raëlian Cosmology, the Cosmological Principle is denied and instead is replaced by a hierarchal fractal structure. The animation above shows an imaginary journey thorough the cosmos in forward time. Blue Sky→Stars→Andromeda Galaxy→Many Galaxies→Small Blue Galaxies→Perforated Wall→Particles→Empty Space→Pollen Grain→Air→Landscape

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Raëlian cosmology is a cosmology proposed in 1973 by Raël, the founder of the International Raelian Movement (IRM), a growing quasi-religious organization. This cosmology is similar to the Jain cosmology in that it proposes that the observable universe has no creator and is infinite in time and finite in size and surrounded by infinite space.

However, in Raëlian cosmology, our observable universe is "atom of an atom" of a much larger level of lifeform. It is also stated in Raël's books that "atoms of our atoms", or subatomic particles in our bodies, also possess universes like our own, but on a much smaller scale. In Raëlian cosmology, the "atom of an atom" which is our universe, which they believe teems with life, is also part of a living thing. The Raëlian Messages by Raël state that humanoid extraterrestrials of another planet (Elohim) verified this cosmology scientifically.


[edit] Comparison with other cosmological hypotheses

See also: Multiverse (science)

The cosmology described in the Raëlian messages, founded in 1973, before the word "fractal" was coined, does not branch from the recent cosmological theories of multiverses such as the Ekpyrotic Universe or M-theory. However, the idea is similar in that proposes that the contents of our observable universe were generated by a greater cause. In a fractal universe that corresponds with the Raëlian Messages, the greater cause would likely be an "atom of an atom" within a living thing of a much larger universe. From the scope and perspective of life in that larger universe, the contents of our Local Group would be a brief quantum fluctuation located inside one of their atoms.

[edit] Evaluation of possibility

See also: Fractal, Cosmological Principle, and Thermodynamic equilibrium

The Cosmological Principle is incompatible with the Raëlian Books' teaching that the universe has a consistent hierarchical structure that repeats to the infinitely large and infinitely small. Because of the infinite nature of this fractal in time and space, the greater universe according the Raëlian books is not subject to a Big Crunch or Heat Death.

For the universe to persist in the same characteristic form, global thermodynamic equilibrium must not occur, and this requires that the radiation leaking from the stars, planets, and galaxies land at surfaces where massless radiation is easily converted into residual matter, akin to what happens according to the scenario of the early Big Bang universe (in accordance to the mass-energy relationship where E = mc2 for matter and E = hν for photons).

To be an atom of an atom, the observable universe must be in a sense be bounded in particle. This implies much more massive bodies surrounding the contents of the observable universe (possible example). One possibility that can be assumed from Raëlian Cosmology is that the observable universe, an "atom of an atom" in a much larger universe, is a type of gauge boson called a gluon. Gluons are contained within hadrons and are emitted and absorbed by quarks (which are heavier in general), and are electrically neutral (unlike quarks). The hadrons themselves, unlike leptons, are subject to all four fundamental forces known by physicists: Gravitational, Weak, Strong, and Electromagnetic.

Raëlian Cosmology is an atheist, philisophical multiverse idea which is not bound to the assumptions of today's mainstream (scientific) cosmology (such as the cosmological principle), but is one that may potentially have a theoretical basis (unlike six-day creationism). Aside from this, Raëlian Cosmology lacks the ancient mysticism which persists in the vast majority of religious cosmologies, therefore it appears more probable according to the worldview of Raëlians. The idea, as it stands, is compatible with non-mainstream ideas of the origin of life such as Cosmic ancestry, since is posits the existence of a greater universe with no beginning and no end.

[edit] Relation with Sensual Meditation as promoted by the IRM

See also: Sensual Meditation and Raëlian Church

The official cosmology of the Raëlian Messages plays a role in a series of meditations described in the Raëlian book of Sensual Meditation. During these meditations, one is encouraged to establish a link between their anatomical features and their central nervous system. The Raëlian Sensual Meditation emphasizes the nuances and structure that exists in the human body and it emphasizes the Raëlian cosmology to encourage the meditator, after a controlled breathing exercise, to experience the inner planets, stars, galaxies, and people within his or her constitutent particles down to the infinitely small. Following this, the meditator is encouraged to experience the greater universe, or the infinitely large, that which we are a part of - in accordance with the teachings contained within the Raëlian books. The meditator is encouraged to mediate the consciousness of the self between the infinitely small particles and the infinitely large particles. This part of Sensual Meditation may sometimes be followed by sensual physical contact between partners.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

Relevant books by Raël (Vorilhon, Claude) containing messages about the said fractal nature of the universe:

  • 1973 : Le Livre qui dit la vérité ("The Book Which Tells the Truth")
  • 1975 : Les extra-terrestres m'ont emmené sur leur planète ("Extraterrestrials Took me to Their Planet")
  • 1979 : Accueillir les extra-terrestres ("Let's Welcome the Extraterrestrials") ISBN 4-900480-06-1
  • 1980 : La méditation sensuelle ("Sensual Meditation") ISBN 1-903571-07-3

[edit] External links