Rütli Meadow
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Rütli is a mountain meadow near Urnersee in Seelisberg where the legendary oath of the Rütlischwur first occurred. It is here that every year a reinactment of the forming of the Old Swiss Confederacy as it is known today happens on the Swiss National Day, Switzerland's day of independence. Since 1991, Rütli has also been the start of the "Swiss Way" hiking trail created to celebrate the 700 year anniversary of Switzerland.
On 25 July, 1940, General Guisan informed the army staff on the Reduit strategy that would defend Switzerland on this place, in an event called the "Rütlirapport".
The real estate forming the Rütli meadow belonged to the Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft, which bought the Rütli 1859 in order to preserve its state, and among other reasons, to prohibit the construction of a hotel at the historical site. This non-profit company turned the Rütli over to the government as a unalienable gift.
Every 1st of August (Swiss national holiday), there is a celebration on the Rütli, which is accompanied by a speech held by a government member. Due to the appearance of neonazis which impeded and disturbed those speeches in 2005, in the 2006 celebration strict controls were enforced – only people which registered themselves could get an access ticket to the Rütli; but because of data privacy reasons, the registration list could not be reviewed by police forces to sort out known radicals.
In essays, especially in the Weltwoche magazine, it was pointed out that the August 1st celebration on the Rütli does not celebrate today's federal Switzerland, which is an achievement based on Napoleon's influence (Act of Mediation). The confederation founded 1295 on the Rütli knew peonage, aristocracy and feudalistic features.