R+ tree

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R+ tree is a tree data structure, a variant of the R tree, used for indexing spatial information.


[edit] Difference between R+ trees and R trees

R+ trees are a compromise between R trees and K-D-B trees; they avoid overlapping of internal nodes by inserting an object into multiple leaves if necessary.

R+ trees differ from R trees in that:

  • Nodes are not guaranteed to be at least half filled
  • The entries of any internal node do not overlap
  • An object ID may be stored in more than one leaf node

[edit] Advantages

  • Because nodes are not overlapped with each other, point query performance benefits since all spatial regions are covered by at most one node.
  • A single path is followed and fewer nodes are visited than with the R-tree

[edit] Disadvantages

  • Since rectangles are duplicated, an R+ tree can be larger than an R tree built on same data set.
  • Construction and maintenance of R+ trees is more complex than the construction and maintenance of R trees and other variants of the R tree.

[edit] Algorithm

[edit] External links

[edit] References

T. Sellis, N. Roussopoulos, and C. Faloutsos. The R+-Tree: A dynamic index for multi-dimensional objects. In VLDB, 1987.

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