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Qumbya is a Chicago housing cooperative. The cooperative is made up of three houses in the Hyde Park neighborhood: Bowers, Concord and Haymarket. All three are within a few blocks of each other. Each house has its own ambience and routine, but all three offer residents the opportunity to live in a shared environment. In each house, all members attend house meetings where matters of importance to the house are decided. Any issue regarding that specific house, from decorations in the common area to which new members to accept, can be decided at these meetings. Members from each house may also sit on the Qumbya Board of Directors, which makes decisions about the co-op as a whole.

Qumbya is a member of North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO), a non-profit movement of students and others active throughout North America to promote cooperative management and cooperative ownership of housing properties. The Qumbya houses are owned by NASCO Properties, which oversees basic management tasks such as paying taxes and dealing with lenders. Members of Qumbya benefit from the fact that no one is making a profit from the rent they pay. Benefits include lower rent, a community atmosphere, and the ability to make decisions in a democratic manner about how the houses are operated.

With these benefits come responsibilities, such as house chores, financial management, and recuitment of new members. These responsibilities are seen as an integral part of the co-op's community spirit, and members generally take pride in their weekly chores. Members can learn any skill they choose, including managing accounts, plumbing, electrical wiring, gardening and (of course) cooking.

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