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Quixeramobim is a Brazilian city located in the state of Ceará, Brazil.


  • Visitors to Quixeramobim can count on one varied network of hotels, inns, restaurants and snack bars. A permanent attraction is the Commercial and Residential House of Antonio Vicente Mendes Maciel, in homage to the illustrious son Antonio Conselheiro. Located in the Street Cônego Aureliano Mota, 210, next to the Square Days Blacksmith, this historical patrimony presents a front with five gates, in a solid and ample construction, that suffered only some modifications in the internal part. It currently serves as a residence for the Coast family , the consecrated bissexual composer Fausto Nile, with visitation in the commercial schedule.
  • In the center of the city, in the Square of the array, is situated the House of the Chamber, in a colonial building with two floors, overthrown for the National Historical Patrimony. It is here that the Chamber of Councilmen functions, with visitation also in the commercial schedule.
  • Another historical and recommended building for visitation is the Railroad station, located in the center of the city, presenting strings architectural inside of a national standard, counting on ample rooms and sufficiently aired. Currently it functions as the Core of Tourist Information, Display and Precious Sale of Artesanato and Pedras.
  • The Metallic Bridge was changed into a postal card of Quixeramobim. With its creation dating to 1899, the bridge is formed of four "parts" of 51.45 meters, has extension of 208 meters, registering one all up weight of 488 tons. Disactivated for ends of railroad carrier, the bridge, that binds the center to the quarter of the Deposit is being remodelled to serve as a pass for pedestrians, being part of the tourist axle Memorial Antonio Conselheiro.
  • Another postal card of the city is the barrage, reason of some designs, the first one for occasion of the great drought of 1877/79. As it was initiated finally in 1911 and third, that it generated the construction of the current barrage, with the workmanships initiated in 1958 and concluded in 1960, being the river Quixeramobim permanent for the Fogareiro Dam since 1994.
  • The Memorial Antonio Conselheiro also is located in the center of the city. It is, in truth, a slope in rock in the form of " L ". To the long one of the path, the visitor will be able to see the pictures that present the chronology of the life of Council member. In the high one of the main gate, constructed of wood, the phrase is written: " God great " is only attributed Antonio Conselheiro.

The visitors of Quixeramobim will be able to still delight themselves with visits to historical monuments of the city, with prominence for two of them: the Cruise, that presents a chapel and a wooden cruise, located in high of the Hand saw of the Big hole of Saint Antonio; e Cruises of the Frei Vidal of the Penha, located in the Sabonete, Public park, next to the Old Railroad station and street Da Cruz.

  • The main museum of the city is Jose Simão Abu Marrul, located on the street Dr. Monteiro Filho, 19, established in 1950. Quixeramobim offers, still, two important ecological tracks. The Track of the Signboard, located in the Glad Farm, distant 14.7 km of the headquarters and the Track of the Water Eye, in the small farm Saw of the Caboclo, situated 31.8 km from the headquarters.

The city offers two trunks of artesanatos, the Urban Social Center CSU, on the street Dr. Miguel Pinto, and the Center of Tourist Information, in the Old Railroad station, beyond the Municipal Market Confections in general, located between the streets Aarão Mendes and Jose Cipriano. The visitors of Quixeramobim can count, during all the year, with vast tourist programming that presents folia of kings, party of Are Sebastião, Tribute to the Council member, 2 Fairs of Milk Cattle annually, Crown of Ours Mrs. of Fátima, Party of Saint Antonio, FAIC (Feira de Artesanato Industry and Commerce), Party of the city, Grandes Vaquejadas, Party of Are Miguel, etc.


  • The City council of Quixeramobim, in retaliation for the attitude of D. Pedro I in dissolving the Constitutional conventional, declares decayed the bragantina dynasty on the 9th of January of 1824. It was the first shout of revolt in Brazil against the attitude of D. Pedro I.
  • A commission of the City council of Quixeramobim, integrated for the Priest Gonçalo Mororó, Belarmino de Arruda and Antonio Francisco Queiroz obtained adhesion of the local Chamber and the Chambers of Aracati, and Is bernardine of the Russians, forming a called movement Confederation of the Equator, that had as objective to create in Brazil a steady and liberal republic.
  • The Confederation of the Equator of 1824 the 1825, had its end point in the Square of the Martyrdoms, in Fortaleza, with the execution by firing-squad of the leaders, between them the Mororó Priest.
  • In the pyramids of Egypt, a soldier of the forces of the ONU, person from the state of Ceará of Quixeramobim, wrote with its bayonet, in a rock: Alive Quixeramobim.
  • The first public dam of the country was constructed in lands of Quixeramobim, more necessarily in Rio Pirabibu, between 1750 and 1770.
  • Mr. Jorge Simão is a collector of seniorities. He possesss a quantity of parts that had belonged to the first civilizations of the region.
  • Maria Francisca de Paula Lessa(Marica Lessa), known in the romance as Mrs. Guidinha of the Well, was a rich lady who withheld under its great powers farms in the city of Quixeramobim, in the last century. She was married to the Colonel Vítor Sundays de Abreu Vasconcelos. She did not intimidate herself in ordering to assassinate her husband to be with another one. She was the first person to inaugurate the public string of the munícípio. According to some authors, the building had been constructed for it.
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