QuickTest Professional

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HP/Mercury Interactive's Quick Test Professional (QTP) is an automated functional Graphical User Interface (GUI) testing tool that allows the automation of user actions on a web or client based computer application. QTP uses Visual Basic Script to allow the interaction between the testing tool and the objects and controls of the application under test.


Quick Test Professional (QTP) a HP product is a UI Automation framework designed for any windows application and web application mainly. It works on identifying the objects in the application UI or a web page and performing the desired operations on them like click, keyboard events; it can also be used capture object properties like name, handler ID etc.

These are some of the key features that can be used in the automation.


Plug-in are used to make recording more acceptable to a specific application, we use web plug-in to automate test cases with respect to web applications. QTP as a default plug-in for ActivX control, web applications and VB objects .The following are some of the plug-in available siebel, .net, java, people soft etc

Record and Playback:

It is a record and play back frame work .Once the actions are recorded, it builds the object repository and when we play back it uses these objects and perform operation on them .i.e By recording I mean click start->run->type iexplorer yahoo.com ->click on a image and save it to document ->exit the browser.

Once you record we get some QTP scripts which are editable.

When you click on the playback button all these actions will be played back.

Check Points:

Check Points is a important feature in QTP. We can check each and every event made on the automation and even we can add check point to check if a particular object, text or a bitmap is present in the automaton run. It is used for verification of the tests.

Regular expressions can also be used in check points..


Recovery is a concept just like exception handling in a programming language, which can be applied when a unexpected failure occurs what should be done. For instance if a application crash occurs we get a message dialog, we can mention to close this dialog and open the application and continue with the rest of the test cases form their .But this is very simple with some wizards and just fill in the entries in it and your recovery is done.

VB Script:

VB script can be used along with QTP script. VB scripts have very versatile features like basic programming function calls, variable, API calls, message box etc. When we combine this with the record and playback of QTP, any workaround in automation can be made.

Break Points:

Just like any IDE, QTP also support breakpoints, we can use this feature and check for variable value or events in the QTP script run.

Output Value:

This feature is used to output values to the data table when a particular event is made. For instance we want to store the default value of the text box before the start of the test we can use this and store in a data table when a event is made on it.

Data Table:

Data table is a place where we can mention the parameters for the various iteration of the test, for instance we should change the name and age of passengers for every run we can input those values in it and ask the QTP to pick up values from this table when we run the test.

Virtual Objects:

As this tool is designed to be used across applications, some objects may not be recognized properly. So we have a virtual object concept, which can be used to overcome this drawback. If a object is not recorded we can define that object as a personal virtual object and build a virtual object repository.

So next time when we record the object it will be recognized a s a virtual object from your repository and playback will be possible.


This feature can be used to calculate the time required to run a particular test. And in areas Where performance is to be calculated


QTP generated the result file for the test cases at the end of test. It gives the complete detail of PASS and FAILS counts, along with the tractability of failures with appropriate messages. It is very easy to verify the results from these files.

Using these features even a tester with limited programming experience can perform wonders in automation!!

- arun_cyclopse@yahoo.com

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Discussion forums - http://www.sqaforums.com/postlist.php?Cat=0&Board=UBB20