
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Give us justice which is not the searing spite of revenge, peace which is not the product of war nor dependent upon it"

- Penny Rimbaud, Oh America 2002 The Unelected President (Crass)

Quercus meets Gandalf!
Quercus meets Gandalf!
When I had more hair! And was angrier...
When I had more hair! And was angrier...


[edit] Graham & wikipedia

Graham from Essex, England here- I know a bits of stuff about all sorts of things like organic gardening, permaculture, punk rock, veganism and anarchism, plus no doubt, like most people, bucket-loads of stuff that I don't even know that I know loads about, and I'm happy to share the knowledge I have, and to learn more... I love the idea of wikipedia- I'm a self declared enemy of the concept of the 'expert' and the 'specialist'- everybody has a part of the picture, nobody can see the whole, and wiki is about being open, accountable and free... Cor, it's a bit like anarchy, innit???

All hail holism!!!

[edit] Websites and stuff

I do the websites for some local groups like South East Essex Organic Gardeners [1], South east essex LETS [2], as well as self published books about veganism, permaculture and stuff which you can find out about at my own website,

And here's my newly started Forest Gardening blog spot

I've just relaunched the seemingly rather moribund Permaculture wiki at Wikia which I'm hoping will become a useful permaculture resource. Here's my article (as opposed to user) page there

[edit] my POV

My own POV's arn't 'nuetral' on many things, not sure if it's possible in fact, but I'll do me best... On the whole I tend to avoid editing controversial wikipedia subjects I feel too passionately about, that way lies edit wars and disharmony- when pages get too embroiled in convoluted POV chess games that pay little attention to 'encyclopedic' values and end up looking like a Frankensteinist version of the worst excesses of a particularly lairy newsgroup I think the general punter and info-seeking surfer will look elsewhere anyway...

[edit] Wikipedia and where I stand

Regarding wikipedia- I've got 'admin' status on wiki, but took a wiki-holiday early 2005 (or was it 2004?? The years are getting shorter as I move into my mid-forties)) when I realised I was getting to develop some wikiholic tendencies, at the expense of 'real' creative work I needed to be doing (wikipedia is a good place for creative procrastination...), during my break loads of 'rules' seem to have changed (I find all the deleting processes over-convoluted when in the 'old days' it was a simple measure to get rid of obvious garbage... parallels with my 'real life' job with a local authority where the values of political correctness over-rule common sense), so has the technology, so forgive me if my habits still seem somewhat wiki-archaic. At the end of the day, all my edits will be in good faith, often about things I care about (or just happen to know something about, however obscure..), you might get the odd grumpy edit or retort from me, but I passionately believe in the whole comcept of an 'open source', 'free' and non-hierarchical information source, so, yeah, I'm on side for wikipedia, innit...

[edit] Subpages- long term projects I'll develop one day

Much needed wiki sub-projects are development of the Organic gardening and permaculture areas.. watch this space.... Yeah Right...

[edit] Workspaces

[edit] Awards

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