
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can often be found performing miscellaneous cleanup tasks.
I can often be found performing miscellaneous cleanup tasks.

Greetings. I'm your Quadell. This page is about me.

I'm a thirty-year-old computer programmer living in Cincinnati, Ohio and working at the University of Cincinnati. I'm a Buddhist, a Unitarian-Universalist, and a Quaker. Because of these beliefs, I'm a vegetarian and a pacifist. . . unless it's the other way around.

Here on Wikipedia, I tend to be an exopedianist (although I'm obviously not too strict about that, since I've created this page). I'm a Wikipedia custodian – some people refer to us as sysops or administrators, but I prefer Moink's term. I have keys to the mop room, and I mop things up. If you need a sysop for something, let me know on my talk page.

I enjoy reading and writing about my heroes, who are many. You might be inspired by the stories of U.S. Commander Daniel Ellsberg, alcoholic Bill W, guruji B.K.S. Iyengar, U.S. General Smedley Butler, Pakistani rape survivor Mukhtaran Bibi, priests Daniel and Philip Berrigan, speedskater Joey Cheek, Jaime Cardinal Sin, American cowgirl Connie Douglas Reeves, Iranian statesman Mohammed Mossadegh, whistle-blower Katharine Gun, Polish spy Witold Pilecki, Quaker Mary Dyer, Geologist Alfred Wegener, and U.S. soldier Joseph Darby.

Politically, I tend to be a progressive libertarian-sympathizer. I'm likely to believe plausible conspiracy theories, so I have little patience for implausible ones. I think the Bush administration is the worst in U.S. history. But despite all this, I work very hard at leaving my POV behind when I edit articles, and if any of my contributions seem biased, please let me know.

The wise man guards his mindfulness. It is his most precious treasure.
from Dhammapada 26