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Quantrix Modeler
Image:Quantrix logo.gif

Quantrix Modeler Screenshot
Developer: Quantrix
Latest release: 2006 / November 2006
OS: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
Use: Spreadsheet
License: Proprietary EULA
Website: www.quantrix.com

Quantrix is an alternative to two-dimensional spreadsheets and modeling tools. Quantrix is based on the same novel concepts and layout as the seminal Lotus Improv. Like Improv, Quantrix has been adopted primarily by the financial industry, where its ability to manipulate various “categories” or "dimensions" makes it easy to view forecasts, budgets, and financial projections under many scenarios. In this particular usage, it may be assumed that category or dimension is synonymous with class, a mathematical term. Quantrix allows a user to model financial systems by computing relationships between many classes of data. This capability is a key differentiator which separates it from traditional spreadsheets. Quantrix is used for business planning, forecasting, budgeting, risk analysis and all types of complex data modeling.

A similar Quantrix product was developed by Lighthouse Design for NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP in the early 90's, which was discontinued when Lighthouse Design was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 1996. Peter Murray, Founder and CTO of Quantrix (Subx, inc. dba Quantrix), led the Lighthouse Quantrix development team at the time, but did not go to Sun. He decided in early 2002 to rejuvenate the concept from scratch with modern day technologies, which is when the current Quantrix (Modeler) began to take shape.

[edit] References

The following reference was retrieved from Quantrix's web site.