Quake II WoD
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Weapons Of Destruction, Better known now as WoD, is a Quake II modification. It has changed weapons around very much, added new alternates and so on.
As they state, "All the standard weapons of Quake 2 have been enhanced with an alternate fire mode for each weapon. For example, no longer will you just launch a plain old rocket -- you can now launch a fire or speed rocket too! The original Weapons of Destruction for Quake 2 was a popular mod for many reasons. It was fun to play. The great variety of weapons and grenade types as well as all the crazy gimmicks gave you a lot to play with. The weapons were so powerful though that strange things always seemed to be happening."
[edit] Game Modes
"WoD 8 can be set up for THREE different modes:
Capture the Flag (CTF) Free For All (FFA)
Team Deathmatch (TDM)" Lots of servers nowadays are mostly FFA, although TDM are used on maps such as The Edge, The Frag Pipe, and Warehouse.
[edit] Weapons
[edit] Grappling Hook
The most used weapon (not really a weapon, but used by 99% of players) is the "Offhand Grappling Hook". This is used to swing around, just like the Capture the Flag hook, except it has real physics (Instead of flying straight you actually swing) and is the most useful weapon ever used. "WoD 8.x supports two kinds of grappling hook: the old WoD 6.x hook and a new type with a simple linear draw. Both of these hooks are offhand, meaning that unlike the CTF grapple you can fire a weapon and use the hook at the same time."
[edit] Blaster
The blaster is a low damage instant hit weapon.
Its damage is greater than a vanilla Quake2 blaster and does not fall off with range. It requires no ammo.
The blaster is too weak to compete with the other WoD 8.x weapons. Get something else as fast as you can.
Flare Gun (blaster secondary mode)
The flare gun fires a slow moving projectile which does little impact damage but does set your victim on fire. The flare gun uses cells.
The flare gun is what keeps newly respawned players from being completely helpless. At least until you run out of cells you can do some harm at short range.
The blaster is too weak to compete with the other WoD 8.x weapons. Its low projectile speed makes it ineffective at long range. At point blank range it may set you on fire.
[edit] Shotgun
The shotgun fires a tight pattern of superheated shotgun pellets. Your victim will be set on fire as well as damaged by the impact.
The shotgun looks and sounds like the relatively punchless vanilla Quake2 shotgun but don't be fooled: it is vastly more powerful. Two direct hits are almost sure to kill an unarmored opponent. It works best at medium to long range.
At point blank range the shotgun will probably set you on fire when it sets your opponent on fire. It also suffers from a fairly high cycle time.
Sniper Gun (shotgun secondary mode)
The sniper fires a slow moving projectile which does very high damage on a direct hit.
In principle a player might survive a sniper hit but if you ever see that happen you are probably playing WAY too much. Realistically the sniper is just as good as a railgun except that it is harder to hit your victim. Use the sniper to surprise your victim at close range or fire into a crowd at any range.
Low projectile speed makes the sniper much less effective at long range. It shares a high cycle time with the shotgun.
[edit] Super Shotgun (SSG)
This is the same weapon as vanilla Quake2 except for greatly increased knockback. It can be used for comic effect, to knock your victim into some lava, or just to disorient him.
The SSG is a good choice for fragging in close because of the tremendous power of the blast it creates. It has a high spread but can occasionally be useful for finishing off a damaged opponent at longer ranges.
The SSG is inefficient at long range because of its high spread.
Freezer Gun (super shotgun secondary mode)
The freezer fires a fairly slow moving projectile which does little damage but causes your opponent to freeze. After a while he thaws out but of course standing still isn't a very good strategy and frozen players rarely survive long enough to thaw. You can thaw out a frozen teammate by just touching him.
The freezer is best at fairly short range so your victim can't easily dodge the projectile. Once you have him frozen you can finish him off with the SSG or, as many do, multiple hits with the hook.
The freezer consumes cells fairly quickly and the speed of its projectile makes it generally ineffective at long range.
[edit] Machinegun
The machinegun fires in "burst mode" -- bursts of four consecutive bullets with very high damage each. Two such bursts are usually fatal if you hit on all eight bullets and only one such burst will often kill a damaged opponent.
The machinegun serves as a poor man's railgun. Obviously you would rather have the real thing but it will do in a pinch. Spread is low so it can be effective at medium to long range.
The machinegun takes good aim to use effectively. If your opponent is still standing after the first round of four bullets you have to wait what seems like a long time before the next four are ready.
Razor Gun (machinegun secondary mode)
The razor gun slices and dices your victim in a delightfully vicious manner. The projectiles are not instant hit but each hit does a lot of harm. Each razor fired consumes five rounds of ammo. (Exactly how bullets are converted to razor blades is a military secret.)
The razor gun can be devastating in close where your victim can't dodge effectively.
The razor gun has a voracious appetite and will go through ammo very quickly. The razor gun is not that effective at long range.
[edit] Chaingun
This weapon is the same as the one in vanilla Quake2 except it stops running immediately after you let go of the trigger. It fires one bullet per frame when you first pull the trigger, two after about a half second, and three after a full second. Once you get it to full speed it is a very potent weapon in skilled hands.
The chaingun has a relatively low spread so it is still effective at medium to long range.
The chaingun is much less powerful when if first starts and by the time it gets up to speed you may already be dead.
Streetsweeper (chaingun secondary mode)
This weapon fires shotgun shells rather than bullets and, unlike the chaingun, does not speed up as you use it. The spread is much larger but at short range it is more powerful than the chaingun.
The streetsweeper is most deadly for short range dueling. It is also an excellent finishing weapon.
The streetsweeper's high spread makes it generally inefficient at long range.
[edit] Grenade Launcher
This weapon is unchanged from vanilla Quake2 except that it fires various types of grenades. The grenades explode on contact with a player but not things like floors and walls. They also explode after a fixed amount of time whatever they are touching. Damage varies by grenade type but is typically very high.
The grenade launcher is useful whenever you want to attack somebody you think is just around a corner or down some stairs. You hope your victim blunders into the grenade or is at least close to it when it goes off. It can also be effective in discouraging pursuers.
The grenade launcher has low range and is hard to aim effectively at short range.
Bazooka (grenade launcher secondary mode)
The grenades launched by the bazooka explode on contact with anything they touch. This makes the bazooka similar to the rocket laucher except the ordinance doesn't go in a straight line.
The bazooka is a deadly weapon for dueling in close where your victim won't have much time to dodge. Depending on the grenade type used the splash damage can be very high so if you fire at your victim's legs you may still get the kill even if you don't make a direct hit.
The bazooka fires a slow, easy to see projectile in an arc. It is useless at long range.
[edit] Rocket Launcher a.k.a. Firerocket Launcher
This weapon is unchanged from the earliest versions of WoD. It has the same speed and general characteristics as a vanilla Quake2 rocket launcher except it creates a fireball which tends to ignite nearby players.
Because of its high splash damage and incendiary warhead, the firerocket launcher is ideal for firing into a crowd. It can also be effective for speculative shots (e.g. firing down an empty hallway in the hope someone will walk into it), against a heavily armored opponent, and for general dueling by HPB's or the "aiming challenged".
At short range the firerocket launcher will probably be lethal to yourself. At long range it is too slow to be very effective.
Speedrocket Launcher (rocket launcher secondary mode)
The speedrocket travels twice as fast as a firerocket. It lacks an incendiary warhead and has reduced splash damage compared to the speedrocket but has a higher knockback and lower self-damage.
For medium range duels the speedrocket is generally preferred to the firerocket. It goes too fast for your opponent to dodge and is usually fatal on a direct hit. The speedrocket is also good for rocket jumping.
The speedrocket is short on splash damage so the usual tactic of shooting at your opponent's feet may not work all that well if you keep missing.
[edit] Hyperblaster a.k.a. IR Laser
The IR laser is a continuous mode weapon which kills by burning. Since it is infrared you can't see any weapon trail although when it hits a wall or something you can see sparks and a faint glow. When it touches an opponent it makes him glow red and will eventually set him on fire if you keep him in the crosshairs for a while.
The IR laser is effective at long range because the laser beam does not lose its focus with distance. If your opponent has his back to you he may not immediately realize where you are since there is no weapon trail to give you away.
The IR laser takes good aim to use effectively. At very short range it may set you on fire by setting your opponent on fire.
Tesla Gun (ir laser secondary mode)
The Tesla gun is a pulsed weapon which kills by electrocution. It creates a spectacular lighting trail but has a higher damage rate than the IR Laser. It has no self damage unless you are foolish enough to use it in water.
The high damage rate of the Tesla gun makes it effective as an LPB dueling weapon. Just keep the lighting on your victim and he won't last long. It also works well for finishing off a damaged opponent because you can just sweep the beam across your victim without having to aim all that carefully.
The Tesla gun takes good aim to use effectively. Don't use it in the water.
[edit] Railgun
This weapon fires a depleted uranium slug at nearly the speed of light. It is basically the same as the vanilla Quake2 railgun except it has a shorter cycle time and an impact damage so high no amount of health and armor can resist it.
The railgun is a great long range weapon because it has no spread and no falloff in damage with distance. It is ideal for dispensing with pesky defenders who insist on wearing a lot of armor. At point blank range it is very deadly and has no self damage.
The railgun has no splash damage, so good aim is required to use it effectively. Even the WoD version of the railgun has a fairly long cycle time which leaves you helpless between shots.
Death Ray (railgun secondary mode)
The deathray fires a yellow energy beam which causes a large fireball explosion wherever it hits. A direct hit by the deathray will almost always be lethal. The high splash damage of the explosion make near misses quite deadly also. In short, the deathray is a railgun with splash damage and fire.
The deathray doesn't require perfect aim if your opponent is near anything that will set off an explosion. It can also kill multiple targets in the same area even if they are not in line with your weapon.
The deathray, unlike the railgun, is survivable, so it is a poor choice when splash damage cannot be expected (for instance if he's on the hook).
Sometimes a lethal shot with a deathray still gives a burning opponent a chance to return fire before he dies. At point blank range the deathray will probably kill you with splash damage.
[edit] Grenades
Grenades can be launched three different ways: by hand, using a grenade launcher, or using a bazooka. There are four types of grenades: fire, vampire, concussion, and electroshock.
The server operator can choose to ban any of these types except fire.
[edit] Fire Grenade
This grenade needs no introduction for experienced WoD players. It is similar to the vanilla Quake2 grenade except that it generates a nasty fireball. A direct hit is almost sure to kill and a near miss will do a lot of damage as well as setting the victim on fire.
Use fire grenades for shooting into a crowd, against a heavily armored opponent, or for speculative shots. They are also good for HPB's because of their high damage rate.
Using a fire grenade at point blank range is a fine way to frag yourself.
[edit] Vampire Grenade
The red glowing vampire grenade has the same effect as a vanilla Quake2 grenade except that half of the damage to enemies is added to your health. The maximum you can get your health to in this way is 200.
If you must use a grenade at close range the vampire is the one to use. It will still damage you but if you get somebody else with the same shot at least some health comes back your way. You can also use the vampire simply to pump up your health. The vampire grenade is probably the best general purpose grenade of the bunch.
The vampire grenade is probably the wrong choice if your health is up around 200 already.
[edit] Concussion Grenade
The yellow glowing concussion grenade emits a bright light and an intense pulse of subsonic energy. Victims experience temporary loss of vision and motor skills. These effects are reduced in magnitude and duration as distance increases. The grenade also has an explosive effect equivalent to a vanilla Quake2 grenade.
Concussion grenades are ideal for attacking a defended position such as a base camp in CTF. While the defenders are stunned they are easy prey for a coordinated attack. They are also good for HPB's because the stun effect has a large radius.
Your teammates are immune to the concussion effect but you are not. Don't be too close when it goes off or you won't ever see the explosion.
[edit] Electroshock grenade
The magenta glowing electroshock grenade is again equivalent to a vanilla Quake2 grenade unless the victim is in water, in which case a lethal shock is delivered. The electrocution range is very large -- much larger than the blast radius. The shock depends only on distance to target so it is not actually necessary to throw the grenade in the water.
Use an electroshock grenade any time your victim is in the water and you are not. The shock radius is so large you don't have to be a good shot. Tossing a grenade into some water is a good idea even if you don't have any reason to think anybody is in there. Note that operators of CTF servers are advised to ban the electroshock because so many CTF maps have important underwater attack and retreat routes. It would be pretty lame to defend them with electroshock grenades.
The electroshock offers no advantage on dry land. If you use it in water you are likely to hear some roflmao's from your "friends". :)
[edit] Techs
[edit] Airstrike
Each team has its own aircraft which can drop a powerful bomb with the help of whoever holds the airstrike tech. To use the tech you should bind a key as follows:
bind <key> "paint"
The first step is to look at some point in the sky above the intended target and press your paint key. (If there is no open sky on the map this tech is useless.) If your aircraft is in the vicinity the pilot will respond by asking you to paint he spot on the ground where you wish the bomb to strike. Look at that spot and press your paint key again. That's it. The pilot will drop the bomb in such a way that it appears in the sky at the first position you painted and hits the ground at the second position you painted. (If it hits an obstruction on the way, of course, it won't make it all the way.) At this point your aircraft will already have flown out of range to rearm so that if you request another airstrike immediately you will only hear static. However you will also get the ETA (estimated time of arrival) for your aircraft. When he returns your pilot will notify you by radio.
[edit] Napalm Avenger
The avenger is a bomb you carry which is connected to your vital sign monitor. If you die (not unlikely with all these powerful weapons around) the bomb explodes, showering the area with napalm. This will certainly be bad news for anyone who has just fragged you at short range. You can also set off the avenger whenever you like by just dropping it:
bind <key> drop tech
You will have 0.4 seconds to evacuate the area before detonation.
[edit] Jetpack
The jetpack tech allows you to fly, pure and simple. Once airborne you control yourself just as you do when swimming. you can turn the jetpack on and off using:
bind <key> use jetpack
[edit] Ctf Techs
===Regen===(a.k.a. AutoDoc)
This tech regenerates your health up to 150.
[edit] Strength
This tech increases the damage you do with your weapons, kind of like a poor man's quad. Unlike the quad, however, the strength never times out.
===Resist===(a.k.a. Disruptor Shield)
This tech acts like extra armor. It also offers some fire resistance.
[edit] Haste
This tech doubles the fire rate of all your weapons. It does not affect player motion or hook speed. This makes you twice as lethal but you will need to stock up on ammo.
[edit] Quake 2 Mods
Another Quake 2 Modification similar in nature to WOD is Quake 2 LOX Mod: Lethal Orifice eXamination.
[edit] About
QwazyWabbit<WOS> Is the current developer for LOX mod (http://www.clanwos.org) and helped to continue the development for LOX mod. LoX is a modification for Quake 2 that offers so many more weapons, but keeping the same old hook into action.
[edit] Game Modes
"There are four ways to enjoy LOX Mod:
[edit] Single-player
The Strogg won't know what hit them. To make things a little more fair, you might want to select Nightmare skill level -- type "skill 3" at your Q2 console.
[edit] Deathmatch
The classic way. Get a bunch of your friends together and blow each other to smithereens. Or join a public server and wreak chaos on total strangers. Either way is fun.
[edit] Coop mode
Multiplayer against Stroggs, LOX weapons are all enabled, the behavior of some weapons against Stroggs is unknown, so enjoy already!
[edit] CTF: LOX
The current versions, beginning with 1.12.6 now supports CTF Extinction, a two team variation of CTF without the flags. Red team and blue team compete head-to-head for control of all the spawn pads in the map. At the beginning of a map, all the pads are green, as each player runs over a pad the pad changes to his team's color. Once all the players have spawned for the first time they can only respawn on pads belonging to their team. There can only be as many players on that team as there are pads of that team's color. Once all the pads are claimed by a team the other team must convert them to their own color by running over them. The game is won on two levels: total frags and extinction of the other team. To win the game you must convert all the pads to your color and frag all the other team's players into extinction. Each map is played in two rounds with each team initially spawning at opposite ends of the map and trading ends for round two. The mode is set in a dedicated server by setting ctf to 1 and setting some other variables. The Extinction maps need special entities added in order to play well, these entities can be added to any map by creating special "ent" files containing the necessary entities and they will be added to the map when the server loads it. Each ent file bears the name of the map it's for. For example, carena.bsp is the map, carena.ent is the ent file for it. The ent files are stored in the quake2/lox/ent folder and retrieved as each map is loaded. Some sample ent files are included with the new package."
[edit] Weapons
"Weapons of Destruction: LOX adds several new weapons and features to the game. All the weapons are available as "alternates" to the normal weapons. Once you grab a normal weapon and select it, select it again to get the alternate weapon. (Select it again to return to the normal weapon.) There are seven different types of grenades; keep selecting grenades to run through the list. All these weapons can also be selected from the inventory, or with "use" commands."
KEY 1:
Blaster: Standard Blaster - fires red or blue lasers.
Super Blaster: The alternate Blaster. Fires a red bolt with a sparkling red trail and does quite a lot of damage. Uses 5 cells per shot.
Flare Gun: Another alternate to the Blaster. Fires a flare into the air that will slowly go to the ground.
Mace: Use this weapon to blind your opponents.
KEY 2:
Explosive Shotgun: The alternate shotgun. Fires an explosive shell at whatever you aim at.
Sniper Gun: The alternate shotgun. Fires a very powerful bolt that usually 'gibs' your opponent, but it's very slow to reload and takes 5 shells per shot.
Airfist: Big blast of air to push
KEY 3:
Super Shotgun
Explosive Super Shotgun: The alternate Supershotgun. Like the Supershotgun but fires explosive shells instead.
Freeze Gun: The alternate Supershotgun. Freezes your opponent in place so that you can dispatch them with conventional weaponry. Or just freeze them to death, if you like. The more you freeze them, the longer they stay frozen. Uses 10 cells per shot.
Super Rail Shotgun: Double Barrel Railgun
Note: The Super Shotgun now has a big kickback. Shoot someone and they go flying; if the shot doesn't kill them, maybe they'll die when they slam into the wall.
KEY 4:
Machine Gun
Machine Rocket Gun: The alternate machinegun, and everyone's favorite it seems. Instead of bullets, this fires a steady stream of rockets. They're not as powerful as normal rockets, but then you can't bombard a whole area with normal rockets. Uses 2 bullets per shot.
Burst-fire machinegun: If you have the regular machinegun selected, "cmd firemode" will switch between fully-automatic mode (the usual) and a new burst-fire mode. It'll shoot 6 bullets in a quick burst. Surprisingly effective!
Nailgun: Just as the name says. You get to fire nails at people. Hehehe. have fun and nail your enemies to death.
Pulse Rifle: Slow flying razor projectiles that ricochet off of walls!
KEY 5:
Explosive Chaingun: Like the Chaingun but fires explosive bullets rather than the regular bullets.
Streetsweeper: The alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of shotgun shells. Tends to clear the way -- just charge through a group of enemies and watch them disappear.
Explosive Streetsweeper: The alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of shotgun explosive shells. Tends to clear the way -- just charge through a group of enemies and watch them disappear.
SuperBlastersweeper: Another alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of Superblaster blots.
Freezersweeper: Another alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of freezer blots.
Grenadesweeper: Another alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of regular grenades.
Bazookasweeper: Another alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of regular grenades.
Railgunsweeper: Another alternate Chaingun. Fires a steady stream of Rails. One of the Lopez's and Gametokens favorite weapons. It's a shower of death on your enemies.
Chunk Gun: Another alternate Chaingun. Do you guys remember the nice 'gib' gun back in quake. Well because of Z'ha'dums insistence we had to bring it back but with a twist. Shoot your enemies or shoot the 'gibs' on the ground. When someone gets hit by them or steps on them they will get infected and hurt. This is a great weapon to isolate a room with.
Flamesweeper: Another alternate Chaingun. This is an improved version of the Flamethrower. It has a shorter range but causes more damage.
Snipersweeper: Well since we had the Railgunsweeper this we couldn't leave this one out now could we?
Sticking Grenadesweeper: Like the Grenadesweeper but fires sticking grenades instead.
KEY 6:
Grenade Launcher: Will lob whatever grenade type you selected last.
Bazooka: The alternate grenade launcher. Instead of lobbing grenades, it fires them in a straight line. Like the Grenade Launcher, it fires whatever type of grenade you selected last.
Sticking Grenade: Use this alternate for the grenade launcher to launch any of the DM grenades that will stick to whatever surface they hit, and I mean whatever surface, yes this does mean players too.
Buckyball Launcher: This alternate grenade launcher will fire Buckyballs similar to the Buckyballs in the chaos mod.
Double Impact: Like the grenade launcher but fires two grenades instead of one.
Floating Mine Launcher: Lays aerial mines. Uses DM grenades of your choice.
KEY 7:
Rocket Launcher
Homing Rocket Launcher: The alternate Rocket Launcher. Aim in someone's general direction and fire; it'll do the rest, we really mean it.
Skipper Homing Rocket: Another alternate Rocket Launcher. Does anyone remember the original Wing Commander? We did, and we recreated the skipper torpedoes from the game. Basically these bad boys will cloak and uncloak until they hit an enemy. But watch out they have a mind of their own and will chase you if provoked.
Guided Missile: Another alternate to the rocket launcher. When you fire this rocket you will chase the rocket and guide it with your mouse. Another camper killer weapon.
Spiral Rocket Launcher: This is another alternate to the rocket launcher. It shoots three rockets. There is the main rocket in the center while the other two spiral around the first. It makes for an interesting effect.
KEY 8:
Positron: This alternate envelopes your target in a Fireball of energy
Plasma Rifle: The alternate Hyperblaster. Fires a beam that you can wave around; it tends to fry anything it touches.
Icecube Gun: Another alternate to the Hyperblaster. The more you hold it down the more damage it will do. It is really a cool gun.
Disruptor: All I have to say is when you see the black spots run away.
KEY 9:
Lightning Gun: When you use this alternate to the Hyperblaster you can shock your enemies to death. But be warned, do not, and I say, do not jump into watery areas with this weapon.
Sonic Railgun: Another alternate to the Railgun. The longer you hold down the attack button the more damage it will do. There is a damage cap though of 250 points.
Durg Gun: Another alternate to the Railgun, Drop Your Gun. Shot this at your enemy and they will drop their current weapon. Ever get sick of those people who use the Railgunsweeper all the time, well here's your chance.
Kaminit Gun: When someone gets hit by this weapon their 'Kamikaze' sequence will get initiated. LOL.
Wall Piercing Railgun: Ever get mad cause someone decides to hide behind a wall when you want to rail them? Well now you can get them with this Railgun.
Note: The standard Railgun now uses 4 slugs per shot. All slug quantities and capacities have been boosted by 4 times, to account for this.
Flame Thrower: The alternate Railgun. It has a longer range than the Flamesweeper but it causes less damage. Uses 1 slug per fire and fires quite rapidly.
Antimatter Cannon: Good short range weapon. Rips target apart with a violent explosion.
Nuke: The name says it all.
KEY 0:
FBFG: An alternate to the BFG10K. When it shoots it's lasers it will freeze the people that it hits instead of killing them
Vacuum Maker: Another alternate to the BFG. When you use this you can bring in anything that is not attached to the ground. When I say everything I mean everything.
Energy Vortex: Launch this and run, very, very fast. Anything that gets within its radius will get sucked in and crushed. It's pretty uncomfortable.
darKMajick Grenades: The Alternate grenades using the 'G' key you can deploy the following:
Blindness Grenade: Will launch a grenade that when it explodes will blind anyone in a certain radius.
Cataclysm Device: Has to be seen to be believed. Explodes like an atomic bomb, complete with a shockwave that tends to kill everything.
Cluster Grenade: Explodes into several other grenades.
Freeze Grenade: Like the Rail bomb but shoots freeze bolts instead.
Homer Grenade: Will launch a grenade that when it explodes will launch 4 weak homing rockets.
Napalm Grenade: Explodes into a bunch of fire and burning explosions.
Plasma Grenade: Explodes into a BFG shot. Plasma Cluster Grenade: A virtual 'Tree of Death'.
Positron Grenade: Will launch a grenade that when it explodes will create the positron ball of fire
Rail Bomb: Explodes into several Railgun shots.
Rocket Grenade: Will launch a grenade that when it explodes will launch 4 weak rockets.
Shrapnel Grenade: Explodes into a bunch of flaming shrapnel.
Teleport Grenade: Teleports you where ever you aim it. Though be warned using it as a normal hand grenade will cause you pain. Use it to telefrag your favorite LOX player.
[edit] Extras
Here are the specifics on Fire damage (partly from the Napalm mod text file by Patrick Martin). Note: Monsters and players that catch on fire will burn for at least 5 seconds.
The following will extinguish the fire:
The player immerses in liquid at waist deep. Crouching can help if the liquid is too shallow.
The player picks up adrenaline or Mega Health.
The player activates an invulnerability Power up.
Health box has a percent chance equal to its power of extinguishing the fire. If the fire is not extinguished, then it will speed up the time when the fire burns out.
A bio-suit greatly reduces the chances of catching on fire and offers partial immunity to indirect fire damage.
Active power armor reduces the chance of igniting.
If a fire "ignites" a target already on fire, then the time before the fire burns out is reset.
All frags go to the entity who ignited the target most recently.
Some monsters, such as tanks or bosses (except the Makron), cannot burn.
There are a few more weapon-like features not done with "alternate" weapons:
Airstrike: Just point and paint a target and let the flyboys take care of the rest. They will pound the painted location with 10 rockets. But watch out they can be intercepted.
Sweeper Fire Mode: Ever wondered what would happen if you could increase the fire rate of the Railgunsweeper well, now you can. But if you increase the speed in which the sweepers fire you will use more ammo and also will increase the temperature of the weapon which might cause it to explode.
Laser Tripwires: Much like the Duke Nukem 3D laser-tripped grenades. Set up a darKMajick grenade to fire when they walk through a Laser beam. The wall-mounted (floor-mounted, ceiling-mounted, door-mounted, whatever) grenade can also be shot at until it blows up. Takes 5 cells, plus the grenades.
Tractor Beam: When all else fails, use 'The Force'. Pull a player or monster toward you or push them away.
Tracker: Well we did it again, we added a WoD:LOX exclusive feature. Now you might be asking yourselves, what is so original about the trackers, aren't they just like normal turrets? Well, no they're not. When you drop one it will look like a skull 'gib', depending on what weapon you were using at the time is what it will shoot. Note: Kaminit, super rail shotgun, and disruptor trackers have been added. A Kaminit tracker takes one shot and dies soon after the player it hits. Super rail shotgun tracker shoots regular rail shots multiple times, just like a railgun tracker would. Disruptor trackers shoot multiple shots but don't always hit on target. Freezer trackers are fixed.
Kamikaze: When all else *really* fails. This isn't entirely a weapon, since it kills you, so it is intended for Deathmatch only. It sends a big explosion from where you die...kind of like strapping a huge time bomb on your chest and setting it off.
Swinging Grappling Hook: This is not a glorified flying machine, like the grapples in other mods. Not only do you swing around as you use it, but you can seriously hurt yourself if you use it wrong. You can also make the line grow or shrink at will.
Decoy: Sort of like the Hologram in Duke3D, except it shoots at players.
Scanner: Track players down in DM. (LOX MODIFICATION) Well the original scanner was pretty good, but now we made it better. It can be 'repositioned' now. If you just use the scanner as is it will stay in the center but, if you do scanner you will be able to relocate the scanner. When it is at the original position it's coordinates are 0,0.
Jetpack: This replaces the quad. (Who needs quad damage with all these heavy weapons? Right.) Will let you fly, but it's got all the problems of a real jetpack: you have to work at it to avoid slamming into walls and so on.
Laser sight: A little red ball will dance in front of you, showing you where your gun is pointed. It'll glow brighter once it finds a target. But be careful, everyone else can see it too.
Sniper Zooming: Press F11 to cycle through views and F10 to switch back to your normal view as a sort of a "panic button".
Night Vision: this only works right in GL (3dfx) mode.
Kamikaze: In the code cleanup of the Kamikaze I found some original code that specified the range of the Kamikaze explosion. It conflicted with a somewhat reduced range in the old LOX that was hard coded. I chose to use the original damage and range. Kamikaze now inflicts 600 damage at a range of 800 quake units so if you KAMI someone, RUN LIKE HELL AWAY FROM HIM. It should be really interesting to see how kamikaze works in some of these smaller maps. If this range proves excessive, I will fix it in the next release. Note: X7 found a nice BANZAI! sound in the LOX PAK files and I changed the Kamikaze code to use it. Kamikaze is a laugh riot when you hear it.
Cloak: This essentially nullifies the homing weapons and the scanner. If you use this command it will hide you from the scanner and make it so the homing weapons don't home on you. BUT, in turn you glow 'visibly' to other players that is you. Note: Cloak and invisibility now protects against homer and skipper rockets. There was a bug in the old code preventing cloak from doing the job. Homers/skippers become conventional rockets if the player launching them is cloaked. Angle of Mercy and Angel of Energy defend against homers.
Detonate: Bind this command to a key. Use the command whenever you want to detonate an explosive.
Explosive: Bind this command to a key. Whenever you want to use it press the bound key and then fire from the grenade launcher. You can only have one grenade out at a time and when you fire a second grenade the old grenade will detonate.
Invisibility: This is our second in the cloaking family. When you use it you become invisible to your opponents but your blip is still on the scanner and the homing weapons can still home on you. This is the ultimate Sniper tool.
GUIDED MISSILE and GUIDED NUKE: The age-old bug that caused players to end up in quake2 space locked up because they launched a Guided Missile at someone with Angel of Mercy has been fixed. Now the Angel of Mercy can eat the rocket and the launching player gets his point of view back. Note: Guided Missile shows a head gib in flight. Guided Nuke shows a conventional missile in flight. The SPIRAL ROCKETS are also head gibs. These changes are courtesy of Phlem.
Flashlight: Ever have problems with a camper hiding out in the dark, camping out and sniping everyone that he sees? Well with this you can find them and put a stop to them.
Check Stats: Have you ever wanted to know how healthy your enemies are? Well know you can know by using the 'checkstats' command. By using this command you will be able to know how much health and armor you enemies have, and how far away they are from your current location.
RANGE or RANGEFINDER: This displays the range to the target in your cross-hairs. This target can be a wall or a rock or another player.
HEIGHT: This command displays your height within the map coordinate space.
SKINLIST: The skinlist command was added to the server to allow players to list the players and skins when playing LOX with teams-by-skins enabled. This allows admins or players to see who is running what skin and avoid conflicts in melee deathmatch or to join up teams by changing to a team skin.
ID or playerid: This displays the player name and skin of the player in your cross-hairs. This is much better than it used to be, I relocated it immediately below the bottom edge of the scanner in the middle of the screen so that you don't have to move your eyes all over the screen to ID who you're looking at.
ANTICAMPER: The anti-camper mode can now be set by server admin by setting DF_CAMPER in the DMFLAGS, (add 262144 to current dmflags). The default time is 60 seconds, the cvar campertime can be set in the server.cfg file to any number of seconds from 5 to 600. The player is warned to start moving 6 seconds before he dies. This should fix the wall/rock hiders reeel gooood.
FPH): This displays your frag rate in Frags Per Hour. This display is a little kinky in that it doesn't show up unless the FPH is non-zero. The first time you turn it on it may not display at all unless you have a few frags accumulated. Negative frags yields negative frag rates.
Map Voting: Users can now VOTE for a map at any time. Type "vote map mapname" at the console (without quotes of course) to initiate the map vote. The announcement is made and the initiator can then vote yes or no. Reminders are sent in case anyone missed the announcement. Players vote in the console by typing YES or NO (upper or lower case doesn't matter) and the votes are tallied. If the vote passes, the map is changed immediately. If the vote fails or times out, play on the current map continues. If you are alone on the map, do vote map mapname and then yes at the console and change the map without need for rcon. If the map does not exist on the server, the current map does not change even though it says it will.
User Manual: Type "man weapon" at the console and the game will tell you about that weapon or feature. For example, type "man angeloe" for a short description of the Angel of Energy.
[edit] Angels
- WARNING: Being cloaked or invisible does not hide you from any angels*
Blindness: Let this angel rip and your enemies will never see that single Rail shot coming at them.
Death: A small glowing spirit orbits you constantly. Whenever you fire, it fires too, in whichever direction you're facing effectively doubling your firepower (at the cost of double ammo use, of course).
Energy: Like Angel of Mercy protects you from the following weapons: plasma, bfg blast, bolt, flare, positron, floating mine, positron explosion, cataclysm explosion, plasma explosion, pulse, homing rocket, nuke. As with Angel of Mercy sometimes it doesn't protect Flame: With this angel you can be hot, really hot. Just light this angel up and you can burn all of your opponents up.
Frost: A cool new angel that will make your opponents freeze in their tracks. Let this little helper loose and it will freeze anyone who comes close to you but watch out, it may mistake you for an enemy sometimes. Horror: Ever want to scare the 'begezuz' out of your opponents, well with this angel you can.
Life: A different small glowing spirit orbits you, picking up any items you pass by.
Mercy: Protects against the following weapons: plasma, grenade, rocket, bfg blast, bolt, super shotgun, buckey ball, flare, spike, positron, pulse, homing rocket, guided rocket, guided nuke, nuke. Note Angel of Mercy deflects the Angel of Frost.
Plague: Rapidly depletes your opponent's health until he has only 10 health points left, making him an easy kill. The range of the angel is 100 quake units. Flying the Angel of Life gives immunity to plague. Plague rate of decay is set at 5 health points per client cycle (50 points per second).
Revenge: Depletes other players health by 50% per time tick while in contact with the opponent until their health is reduced to about 25 points. This even works against regeneration holders. Use this to get close to a regen or vamp and then wham! Easy kill, right? Note: Angel of Revenge deflects the Angel of Revenge.
Unfreeze: Don't you hate it when you get frozen? Well now with this little baby you can get unfrozen. Note: Angel of Unfreeze deflects the Angel of Frost.
A word about FLARES. Some losers like to lag the server with flares. You can now clean them up buy running through the flare cluster with Angel of Energy or Angel of Mercy flying and they will eat up the flares. Yeah, baby!
[edit] Armor
Bullet: Same as Slug and Cell armor but protects against Bullet weapons.
Cell: AND do you ever get tired of those people who always using the Positron or Freezer? Well now with this new armor you can enjoy yourself at their expense. You have a 300 to 1 chance of getting this armor. When you do get the armor those people who do abuse the Positron and Freezer will get also nice surprise.
Grenade: Same as Slug and Cell armor but protects against Grenade weapons.
Rocket: Same as Slug and Cell armor but protects against Rocket weapons.
Shell: Same as Slug and Cell armor but protects against Shell weapons.
Slug: Ever get tired of those people who always use the Railgun or Railgunsweeper? Well now with this new armor you can enjoy yourself at their expense. You have a 300 to 1 chance of getting this armor. When you do get the armor those people who do abuse the Railgun or Railgunsweeper will get a nice surprise
[edit] Modifications to existing weapons
The rockets from the standard Rocket Launcher, and hand-thrown grenades, will spray fire when they explode.
When you grab a machinegun, you get the Machine-Rocket gun first. Similarly, when you grab a Railgun, the Flamethrower comes up first.
You can find the complete documentation for Quake 2 LOX mod at: