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Nobility of Fiji

Adi - Bulou
Ro - Roko - Ratu

Great Council of Chiefs
Chairman, Great Council of Chiefs
House of Chiefs

Burebasaga - Kubuna - Tovata

Rotuman Nobility
Gagaja - Sau - Fakpure - Mua

The Qaranivalu is a senior Chief of Naitasiri province in Fiji, loosely translated the title means "Pit of War" or "War Pit". The Qaranivalu since 1997 is Ratu Inoke Takiveikata, who is now serving a life sentence for his role in the Fiji coup of 2000.


[edit] Chiefly Authority

The Qaranivalu exercises direct chiefly authority over the villages of Navuso, Tamavua, Kalabu, Vuniniudrovu, Kasavu, Nacokaika, Naganivatu, Nakini, Natowaika, Deladamanu, Waitolu, and Drekeiwaila, and is considered the overlord of the Roko Tui Vuna, the traditional ruler of the villages of Sawani, Navatuvula, and Colo-i-Suva. According to some sources, this chiefly title is the most senior in the Province of Naitasiri.

[edit] A Brief History

The Qaranivalu descends from the most senior line of the Vunivalu of Bau, Ratu Seru Epenisa Cakobau through the Vunivalu's daughter, Adi Arieta Kuila, who married the Qaranivalu at the time, Ratu Timoci Vakaruru. It was during this time that the traditional geographical borders of Naitasiri were redrawn to include the villages of Kasavu, Nabu (inhabitants now residing in Kasavu together with the Yavusa Nawainovo, Yavusa Sawa and Burenitu), Nacokaika and Deladamanu. These villages were formerly under the dominion of the Ratu of Verata, Kasavu traditionally being the leading village among the group. These villages are now known as the kai vale of the Qaranivalu.

[edit] Notes and References

  • Viceroy of the Pacific: Life of Sir John Bates Thurston, By Deryck Scarr (Page 92)Published 1980, Australian University Press, ISBN 0909150885, Original from the University of Michigan, the University of California, Digitized Nov 21, 2006, Reference to the title of the Qaranivalu
  • King of the cannibal isles - Page 120, Published 1937, Original from the University of California, Digitized Nov 21, 2006.

[edit] External links