Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha
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The Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha (Order of the Union of Burma) is the highest Burmese order.
The order of Pyidaungsu Sithu was founded on 2 September 1948 as a replacement for the British Order of Burma. The original order had been founded by Royal Warrant on 10 May 1940. The title Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha may be used by the awardee.
[edit] Award classes
The Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha is awarded in two divisions (military and civil) and each of these is split into five classes:
- Agga Maha Thray Sithu - Grand Commander
- Sado Maha Thray Sithu - Grand Officer
- Maha Thray Sithu - Commander
- Thray Sithu - Officer
- Sithu - Member
The first class consisted of a gold braided salwe worn across the breast with the badge of the order suspended. It is decorated with a large gold and enamelled breast star surrounded by five small stars.
2nd class honors have a single breast star that is smaller than the first class.
3rd class honors has a badge, worn from a ribbon around the neck.
[edit] Recipients
Recipients of the Order include:
- Sao Shwe Thaik - Agga Maha Thray Sithu
- U Nu - Agga Maha Thray Sithu
- U Thant - Maha Thray Sithu