Pygmy goat

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A pygmy goat (Capra hicus) is a small species of goat; females weigh about 23 to 34 kg (35 to 50 lbs) and males about 27 to 39 kg (40 to 60 lbs). Pygmy goats originated in the Camaroon Valley of western Africa. They were imported into the United States from European zoos in the 1950s for use in zoos and as a research animal. They were eventually acquired by private breeders and quickly gained popularity as pets and exhibition animals due to their good-natured personalities, friendliness and hardy constitution.

Although they produce a large amount of milk for their size, and can be eaten, pygmy goats are not typically used for milk or meat, unlike larger dairy and meat goat breeds. Pygmy goats tend to be more robust and breed more continually throughout the year than either dairy or meat goats. They have stomachs with four compartments: the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum. As browsers, goats are similar to deer and enjoy variety in their diet, including woody plants.


[edit] Housing

Pet pygmy goats can live in a large dog house or small shed and should have access to a secure, fenced pen for exercise. Their housing should be well-ventilated, but free from drafts. It is convenient to have a concrete floor covered with a rubber mat and sawdust or straw for bedding; the floor should be tilted towards the door to make cleaning simple. In the winter, cleaning is less often needed because goats keep the straw warm as their bed. A bench with dividing slats as suspension will suit the goat as a little bed; if it is very cold, a cheap blanket can be added to add warmth.

[edit] Diet

A pygmy goat's diet consists of forage, including hay (rough hay is good), and concentrates — i.e., grains such as oats, bran, and barley.

It is important to select good quality hay to maximize its nutritional content. Hay, such as grass, alfalfa or oat, should have fine stems and a nice green color. Hay should be fed in feeders that keep it off the ground.

Grain or grain mixes supply added protein, vitamins, and minerals. There are a variety of grain mixes formulated specifically for goats that contain 16% protein. As an alternative, rolled ration, otherwise known as COB, contains corn, oats, and barley with or without molasses. It contains about 9% protein and no added vitamins and minerals.

Grain may or may not be necessary as part of your goat's diet, depending on whether you are feeding a buck, wether, or doe. Wethers are susceptible to urinary problems and a low protein grain ration is recommended. Bucks, however, need an adequate amount of grain to maintain sperm production and to keep in good weight. Wethers, once full grown, may do fine with no grain at all, if fed good quality hay.

A doe's needs vary depending on whether she is dry (not producing milk), pregnant, or lactating (producing milk). Does need adequate protein and nutrients for fetal development and milk production, but too much of a good thing may cause obesity, which can lead to kidding problems and/or a variety of health problems.

Salt and minerals are a vital part of your goat's diet and found in a variety of sources including hay, pasture, grain, soil, and supplements. Bones are composed of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P), therefore, Ca and P must be in a goat's diet in adequate amounts for it to have good bone and muscle development. Even a mature animal must have adequate Ca and P to maintain bone structure. The ratio of Ca and P is quite important-it should be 2:1 in a goat's diet. This ratio is not only important for bone development, but also aids in urinary tract health in male goats.

Salt and minerals are available in block form or loose, and should be available to the goats at all times. Be very careful with feeding supplements to goats that have been developed for horses and cattle. They generally contain much higher levels of copper than goats can metabolize and toxic levels can build up in a goat's body, resulting in poisoning. Selenium (Se) may be deficient in the soil in some areas, thus selenium must be added to goats living in those areas to prevent white muscle disease. Usually Se is given by an injection of vitamin E and Se (BoSe) at birth and twice a year after that.


1. Colby, Brian, et. al. Dairy goats-breeding/feeding/management. American Goat Society. 1972.

2. Kinne, Maxine. Pygmy goat care and management. 1987.

3. National Pygmy Goat Association. Best of Memo I. 1982.

4. National Pygmy Goat Association. Best of Memo II. 1989.

[edit] Showing

Showing is where goats are shown to a judge, who judges them. The public often show a lot of interest in Pygmy goats. The judging groups are (generally):

Best (registered) female goat - self explanatory

Best Pet goat - any non-registered goat

Best wether - Best castrated male

Veteran - Best goat +7 yrs old

Best multi-coloured goat - +2 colours

Junior handler - -14 yrs old handlers

Cups and trophies are donated to the classes, so that the winner can take home a trophy, the trophies are inscribed with the winner each year

[edit] See Also

[edit] External links

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