Purity Control

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Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Purity Control was the name of a government project featured on the television series The X-Files. The aim of the project is to create an Alien-Human hybrid. Bill Mulder, Fox Mulder's father, is supposed to have a major role in its conception.

This hybrid would be shown to the Colonists, who would then give the Syndicate and their family members gene therapy in order to transform them into hybrids themselves. This would make them immune to the Black oil virus. This was part of a deal the Syndicate made with the alien colonists in 1973.

The Alien-Human hybrid portion of Purity Control was the only part known by the colonists. The Syndicate was secretly working on a vaccine against the Black Oil virus (Purity). These efforts were successful. The vaccine was used on Agent Scully and Marita Covarrubias, but with the demise of the Syndicate, the vaccine disappeared.

[edit] The Project

The shadowy government that step-by-step gave rise to the Syndicate, had been experimenting with Purity Control since the Roswell Crash in 1947 -presumably to create a race of super-soldiers suitable for nuclear warfare. Those efforts were unsuccessful.

In 1973, the Colonists struck a deal with the Syndicate. If the latter were to aid the Colonists, its members and their families would be protected from the apocalyptic viral invasion that would bring forth the Colonization. The Purity Control from now on would be oriented to producing a hybrid unaffected by the black oil (also called the 'Virus', or 'Purity'). When this goal would be reached, the Syndicate leaders would signal the Aliens and they would be transformed into hybrids themselves to survive the coming holocaust. The same would happen to all alien abductees (actually Syndicate-abductees, since the Syndicate has collaboreated with the Aliens since 1973) so that they would become a slave race to the Colonists after the planet's takeover. One of the negative points of the deal was that each of the Syndicate members had to give up one family member each in exchange for the alien fetus (The Erlenmeyer Flask and "One Son"). The people given up included Samantha Mulder and Cassandra Spender. The Colonists realized that with the technology of 1973, the Syndicate would not be able to produce a successful hybrid for a number of years, so the Colonists were willing to hold off Colonization for a long time. That was exactly what the Syndicate wanted, to buy time so that they could work covertly on a vaccine against the Virus.

In 1999 the Syndicate was destroyed by the Resistance and, presumably, so was Purity Control. However this happened only a few days after the Project had reached its culmination: after 25 years of experimentation Cassandra Spender had just been transformed into the prefect hybrid; one capable of regenerating itself and unaffected by the Black Oil. The Rebels chose this critical moment in history to strike hard, since had the Aliens learnt about Cassandra the Colonization would begin immediately.

Spoilers end here.
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