Puerto López

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Puerto López (16,000 inhabitants) is a small fishing village set in an arched bay on the pacific coast in the Ecuadorian Manabí Province. Puerto Lopéz is the Machalilla National Park headquarter. The main industries include fishing and ecotourism.

A few kilometres offshore is La Isla de la Plata, also referred to as “Galapagos for the poor”. You can find some species that also inhabit the Galapagos like the blue and red-footed boobie, frigatebirds, albatross, pelicans and other seabirds that are nesting in colonies. The island is surrounded by coral reef and snorkelling is a popular activity. On the boat ride from Puerto Lopez to the islands you can often see dolphins.

Whale watching is popular during mid-June and October and can be booked in town. At this time of year the huge humpback whales are mating and the odds of spotting a whale are good.

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