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I totally rock!!! Literally. I just put up a new song on my music page, a cover of "Under the Sea." Also there is the instant classic, "Osama Bin Laden, You Ruined My Birthday," and a new song, "Just Getting Started."

I make Slashdot go. It's a big site; you've probably heard of it. I write code and very occasionally post stories.

I also make use Perl; go. It's one of the two popular Perl community web sites.

I want to write a poem about a gang fight between Limericks and Sonnets. I think the Sonnets will win, although if I decide to let both forms win, I will perhaps choose something other than Limericks to fight the Sonnets, since Limericks are stupid. And so are Koans and Hakius so don't even go there.